National Debt Reduction Act
- Reps. Michael Turner, John Boehner and Jean Schmidt are Republicans from rural Ohio districts outside Cincinnati. They introduced the Warren County National Debt Reduction Act on May 4, 2009. It would return to the Federal Treasury $373,000 intended to buy three transit buses for the county, which has about 200,000 people within 408 square miles northeast of Cincinnati (see References 1 and 3).
- The legislation was introduced after the Warren County Commissioners (Mike Kilburn, David Young and Michael Peeler), all Republicans, rejected the federal money for transportation improvements in April 2009. It was the state's only county to do so. After rejecting the money, Commissioner Mike Kilburn from Salem Township, was quoted as saying, "I'll let Warren County go broke before taking any of (President Barack) Obama's filthy money." (see References 2 and 4).
- After its introduction, HR 2226 was referred to the House Subcommittee on Appropriations, where it remains. The 111th Congress is scheduled to adjourn at the end of 2010.