Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

Natural Acne Remedies: 3 Household Tips

Acne can be a dilemma for lots of people from all walks of life - the young and the old, men and women alike. While this condition is very prevalent in teens, it can't be denied that people in other stages of their lives may develop it at any time. The good news is that there is an absolute abundance of natural acne remedies and treatments that you can use to restore the health and condition of your face as well as that of your other affected bodily areas such as chest, back and neck.

You don't have to rush down to the local store or pharmacy and fork out a small fortune for an ointment, lotion or other drug for every acne outbreak. The good news is that there could be several natural or herbal acne remedies that you can use around the corner to achieve the same healing results without experiencing unpleasant, potentially hazardous or expensive after effects.

Here are just some of the better (and perhaps less well known) remedies for acne that you can easily find inside your own home:

1. Honey
You may not know it but honey is very rich with antibacterial properties. Using it as a mask to cover your face is very helpful for disinfection purposes and the healing of minor acnes and blemishes. Honey is perfect even on the most sensitive skin. Just apply it, leave on for a few minutes, and wash it off thoroughly.

2. Brown Sugar
Do you know that brown sugar is the perfect scrub for that acne infected skin? Brown sugar will successfully clean out the dirt embedded within the pores and take out dead skin cells. It can also remove sebaceous oils and soften the skin. Just remember that this remedy should be used only twice or thrice in a month for best effect.

3. Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera still remains one of the best natural moisturizers for the skin. If you are fond of keeping a little garden in your home, do make sure that you've got some nice and thick Aloe Vera stems growing in a pot. Pluck one, extract the rich gel inside, and apply it on your face. The soothing effect of the gel will definitely make you feel good.

Effective acne remedies need not be expensive, potentially dangerous or elusive. Go for herbal acne remedies if you have already used many chemical-based products and you still haven't seen the end of your break-out woes. The remedies for acne as listed above are provided by nature, are certain to be safe and effective both to teenagers and older individuals.

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