Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

Free Colon Cleanse Recipe

So why are so many people looking for a free colon cleanse recipe? Due to busy, fast-paced lifestyles, are diets generally do not include a lot of healthy food because the processed stuff simply is more convenient.
We know it is bad, but it may be worse than we think.
It's more than a problem of not fitting into our jeans anymore.
A healthy diet includes at least five servings of fruits, vegetables and grains on a daily basis, but most people consume one serving of each on a good day.
Unfortunately, colons pay the price for this malnutrition.
The food that we are eating include fatty, high-carb ones that are difficult to digest, leaving toxins on the colon walls.
This can lead to worse problems, such as malfunctions in the kidneys.
Adding fiber to the diet is a good way to get rid of the waste and toxins.
There are ways of sneaking extra fiber in, such as adding flaxseed to your morning bowl of cereal.
This food also is beneficial for the heart and skin, due to its ingredient of omega3 oil.
Taking a more vigorous approach in colon-cleansing would be to add epsom salts to some foods.
Be careful with the salts because some are meant only for external use.
The salts can be mixed with 20 ounces of water and then consumed, but it works fast so the person should be near a bathroom.
Water alone is an important and convenient way of keeping the colon clean.
Drinking plentiful amounts of water flushes out the system and gets rid of more waste.
We don't need to be thirsty to drink water either.
Hopefully this brief article has given you some free colon cleanse recipe ideas that you can use!

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