Health & Medical Addiction & Recovery

The Habits Of Highly Effective Cold Turkey Quitters

Have you ever heard of saying that the best way to succeed is to follow who succeeded? Smokers who successfully quit smoking cold turkey have these common characteristics.
That is the ideal characteristics, and examples of successful quitter.
* Successful quitters believe in themselves.
They fully believe that they have a choice and the ability to quit smoking for good.
* Successful quitters fully motivated to quit smoking.
They decided to do all that is needed to overcome the habit completely, without the possibility of reversing.
* Successful quitters refusing to return to their decision to quit smoking.
They throw away their lighters, ash trays and cigarette and let people know that they are quitting smoking.
They are creating for themselves the courage and spirit to stop smoking completely.
* Successful quitters are honest with themselves and refuse to make excuses, that the "excuse" of smoking.
They recognize the realities and dangers of smoking.
* Successful smokers quit and to set a date for it.
Once they have determined that date, they stop excuses to prolong their smoking habits.
* Successful quitters assume full responsibility for their habit of smoking.
They do not blame their parents, friends or more tobacco companies.
They recognize their errors are determined to change them.
* Successful quitters admit that they need help and support to stop smoking.
* Successful quitters make use of proven mental strategies such as quit smoking hypnosis techniques to aid them in their effort to quit.
* Successful quitters are persistent and determined to quit smoking, he even takes them on several attempts before they finally close forever.
* Successful quitters usually left friends to support them.
They might be people to help them stop smoking or people who are quitting smoking at the same time.
* Successful quitters are determined to tolerate the discomfort of the initial quitting smoking, knowing that they will be rewarded in the life of freedom and health.
* Successful quitters know the advantages of drinking water a lot of water and discipline themselves to do so.
* Successful quitters help other to quit smoking.
They develop a sense of duty to share their accomplishments with others, because they understand their problems.
Unsuccessful people, on the other hand, always ask, "What's in it for me?" * Successful quitters reward themselves.
They ask for their achievement, as many ways as they can.
* Successful quitters never take another puff cigarettes, no matter what he or any other situation they are in.
They know that only one puff is harmful and can destroy all that they have done so far.

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