6 Happy Foods to Perk Up Your Bad Mood
Are you in a rotten mood? We all have that phase.
If only there was some magical food that helped us snap out of the blue mood and instantly put us in a happy place; wouldn't the world be a better place to live? And mind you, when we say food, we don't mean those calorie loaded comfort foods that add to our hips.
We mean foods that are healthy, nutritious and act as a natural anti-depressant.
Here are 6 such happy foods that fit the bill.
Salmon Salmon is loaded with omega-3 fatty acids that fight off depression as well as improve your memory power; all the more reason for you to dig into it.
A few other ingredients that can beat mood swings include walnuts and spinach.
Mussels This might not be something your taste buds are craving for, but your body sure will be thankful for it.
Mussels contain traces of iron, zinc and selenium, all of which work together to bring your weight and mood back on track.
Blue Potatoes This is not something you are bound to find in your regular grocery shop.
In fact, you might have to dig quite a bit before you get your hands on one of these.
But what makes it worth the effort is that these tiny potatoes are a powerhouse of antioxidants called "anthocyanins".
Anthocyanins have neuro-protective qualities that protect the brain against inflammation and fight off depression.
Not just that, the peel of this vegetable has iodine present in it that helps control thyroid problems.
Spinach Ever wonder why Popeye is so cheerful all the time? It might be down to all the spinach he ate.
Spinach is a rich source of magnesium, which triggers a chemical reaction in the brain, boosting energy.
If you want to double the power of your plain spinach, here is what you need to do.
Sauté the spinach in pure coconut oil, on medium heat, for a few minutes.
Coconut oil, being a powerful source of antioxidants and antibacterial properties, will add to the flavor and goodness of the spinach.
Dark Chocolate Just the thought of eating dark chocolate can bring the smile back on your face.
Dark chocolate boosts blood flow to the brain, which in turn improves memory and mood.
Take care not to go overboard though; you only need a few pieces of chocolate a day to do the trick.
Consuming too much dark chocolate will surely be rejuvenating, but it will also add to the bulging flab, so be careful.
Honey It is time to replace your artificial sugar with something natural - honey.
There is a lot that you can derive from honey.
Honey, being a rich source of kaempferol and quercetin, reduces inflammation in the brain, beats depression and does not send your body in "fat-storage" mode, the way artificial sugar does.
Honey does not have any impact on your blood sugar level either.
What more reason do you want? Chuck sugar from your kitchen cabinet and bring in all the natural goodness of honey.
If only there was some magical food that helped us snap out of the blue mood and instantly put us in a happy place; wouldn't the world be a better place to live? And mind you, when we say food, we don't mean those calorie loaded comfort foods that add to our hips.
We mean foods that are healthy, nutritious and act as a natural anti-depressant.
Here are 6 such happy foods that fit the bill.
Salmon Salmon is loaded with omega-3 fatty acids that fight off depression as well as improve your memory power; all the more reason for you to dig into it.
A few other ingredients that can beat mood swings include walnuts and spinach.
Mussels This might not be something your taste buds are craving for, but your body sure will be thankful for it.
Mussels contain traces of iron, zinc and selenium, all of which work together to bring your weight and mood back on track.
Blue Potatoes This is not something you are bound to find in your regular grocery shop.
In fact, you might have to dig quite a bit before you get your hands on one of these.
But what makes it worth the effort is that these tiny potatoes are a powerhouse of antioxidants called "anthocyanins".
Anthocyanins have neuro-protective qualities that protect the brain against inflammation and fight off depression.
Not just that, the peel of this vegetable has iodine present in it that helps control thyroid problems.
Spinach Ever wonder why Popeye is so cheerful all the time? It might be down to all the spinach he ate.
Spinach is a rich source of magnesium, which triggers a chemical reaction in the brain, boosting energy.
If you want to double the power of your plain spinach, here is what you need to do.
Sauté the spinach in pure coconut oil, on medium heat, for a few minutes.
Coconut oil, being a powerful source of antioxidants and antibacterial properties, will add to the flavor and goodness of the spinach.
Dark Chocolate Just the thought of eating dark chocolate can bring the smile back on your face.
Dark chocolate boosts blood flow to the brain, which in turn improves memory and mood.
Take care not to go overboard though; you only need a few pieces of chocolate a day to do the trick.
Consuming too much dark chocolate will surely be rejuvenating, but it will also add to the bulging flab, so be careful.
Honey It is time to replace your artificial sugar with something natural - honey.
There is a lot that you can derive from honey.
Honey, being a rich source of kaempferol and quercetin, reduces inflammation in the brain, beats depression and does not send your body in "fat-storage" mode, the way artificial sugar does.
Honey does not have any impact on your blood sugar level either.
What more reason do you want? Chuck sugar from your kitchen cabinet and bring in all the natural goodness of honey.