Home & Garden Maintenance & Repairs

Rotary Engine Performance

    Engine Running

    • Rotaries in the rotary engine transmit power very smoothly due to their lack of reciprocating parts. Rotary engines also deliver power smoothly due to the operation of large cylinders, which act as a flywheel. A flywheel is a mechanical device that uses inertia to store rotational energy.

    Power-to-Weight Ratio

    • Conventional engines often add heavy flywheels in order to reduce vibration and power impulses. Rotary engines, which have no need for added flywheels, offer a substantially higher power-to-weight ratio, or the measurement of a vehicle's performance with the engine's power divided by the mass or weight of the vehicle.

    Performance Disadvantages

    • Rotary engines require the air/fuel mixture to be sent through the crankshaft and crankcase, creating restrictions on the engine's breathing capacity. These restrictions decrease rotary engine volumetric efficiency.

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