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Premature Ejaculation Tips That Work

If you're looking to last longer in bed than you going to need some tips and good advice.
The reason for this is that for men in general, lasting longer in bed is not a natural thing to do.
We are by nature programmed to be like animals and ejaculate quickly.
This however will not go down well if it's a regular occurrence in the bedroom, as the average female needs more time to reach that powerful vaginal orgasm.
I have searched for the past few years to solve my own premature ejaculation problem and I can share with you now what I have learned in this time.
1)Don't feel too bad If your suffering with this problem know that you are not alone.
As you are reading this there are literally millions of men in the world today who are suffering with the same problem.
Experts believe that up to a third of men are trying to cope with this problem at any one time in their lives.
2)Know that you can re-train Rather than thinking that there is something wrong with you, it can be really helpful to look at this as a training problem.
Up to now you have been training and getting used to ejaculating quickly.
You body and sub-conscious mind have gotten used to this idea as they would to anything thing else you did all the time.
The fact is that you can re-train yourself to last longer in bed starting from right now.
3)The first training tip Every journey starts with one step and when it comes to premature ejaculation the same rules apply.
The key thing is not to get bogged down with lots of things to stop you ejaculating too quickly, as your mind will simply become overwhelmed.
In my own experience the first thing that really helped me was simply to slow things down during the whole process of sex.
What I began to do from the time foreplay started was to move things along very slowly.
This slower movement at the beginning and when inside my partner not only helped me to delay ejaculation but actually made the experience more intense.
Remember that you don't have to desensitize yourself to enjoy sex more, but you can actually make things more intense and still last longer in bed.

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