Get Rid of Stink Bugs
Getting rid of stink bugs can be an arduous task.
These pesky creatures will just not go away; unless the proper stink bug control methods are implemented effectively.
These bugs actually secrete an odorous pheromone that acts as a beacon which will attract more bugs and encourage further infestation.
No matter how new your home is, no home is air tight.
There are always some openings, cracks or holes which may be on the ceiling, in the basement or cracks on the wall.
These bugs are probably the most persistent insect one can encounter and once they find an entrance to your house they will not keep coming unless it is sealed up.
Do not be fooled by their shape or size, they can maneuver their way into the tiniest of gaps! Here are ten ways to prevent and control an infestation.
1) Remove foliage adjacent to home perimeter (leaves, weeds) 2) Turn off perimeter lights at night 3) Caulk around all windows and doors 4) Do not crush bugs in or around home 5) Make sure all home entry points remain closed at all times (garage, windows etc) 6) Set Stink Bug Traps 7) Eliminate Egg laying and harborage areas 8) Establish a perimeter of barren land around your home 9) Remove potted plants and flowers that are near your home 10) Plant Companion Plants If you would like to read a detailed and simple step by step guide (that also thoroughly explains each step listed above) to permanently control your stink bug infestation check
These pesky creatures will just not go away; unless the proper stink bug control methods are implemented effectively.
These bugs actually secrete an odorous pheromone that acts as a beacon which will attract more bugs and encourage further infestation.
No matter how new your home is, no home is air tight.
There are always some openings, cracks or holes which may be on the ceiling, in the basement or cracks on the wall.
These bugs are probably the most persistent insect one can encounter and once they find an entrance to your house they will not keep coming unless it is sealed up.
Do not be fooled by their shape or size, they can maneuver their way into the tiniest of gaps! Here are ten ways to prevent and control an infestation.
1) Remove foliage adjacent to home perimeter (leaves, weeds) 2) Turn off perimeter lights at night 3) Caulk around all windows and doors 4) Do not crush bugs in or around home 5) Make sure all home entry points remain closed at all times (garage, windows etc) 6) Set Stink Bug Traps 7) Eliminate Egg laying and harborage areas 8) Establish a perimeter of barren land around your home 9) Remove potted plants and flowers that are near your home 10) Plant Companion Plants If you would like to read a detailed and simple step by step guide (that also thoroughly explains each step listed above) to permanently control your stink bug infestation check