Interview: Kerry Washington Talks Domestic Abuse and the Power of a Purple Purse
It goes without saying that here, at About Celebrity Style, I’m obsessed with all things Kerry Washington. Aside from being an incredibly beautiful and talented actress, she’s also sublimely stylish and, may I add, benevolent. When she’s not busy helping design Scandal clothing lines, Washington also likes to lend her famous face to worthy charitable causes, like the Allstate Foundation, for whom she’s designed a limited-edition purple purse to help raise further awareness on domestic violence and the financial abuse that traps women in abusive relationships.
I was able to snag a quick interview with Washington where she discusses her coveted Purple Purse accessory and educates us on the implications of financial abuse…
So how and why did you first become involved with the Allstate Foundation Purple Purse?
I have worked on the issue of violence against women for several years. Purple Purse felt like a great opportunity to be a part of the solution. Allstate Foundation Purple Purse aims to raise awareness about domestic violence and the financial abuse that traps women, and to give women the tools to escape abusive relationships.
Is this a cause close to your heart? Or is it something you simply believe needs further attention?
Whenever domestic violence is being discussed openly, it’s a good thing. I have worked around the issue of violence against women for many years (with other organizations like V-Day), but I’d never thought about financial abuse as a form of domestic abuse.
Why do you think there’s so little discussion on specifically “financial abuse” in domestic settings?
Financial abuse happens in 98 percent of domestic violence cases. An abuser will take away access to cash, destroy credit and jeopardize jobs – trapping the victim a dangerous situation. Finances are a weapon of choice for abusers but many people don’t realize this behavior is part of the abuse.
Tell me about your purple purse! I love that it’s a real world-sized bag that fits everything from your keys to tablet. What were the most important factors for you in the design?
The design is inspired by what the bag stands for — the color is purple, the signature color of domestic violence awareness. It’s a good-sized bag, not a tiny little clutch, but rather a bag that can carry your keys, your wallet, your phone — all the things you need to get through the day. The leather and tweed combine to make it feel classy, yet on-trend and modern. I gave it a side handle because I like the idea of holding the clutch close to you and making sure it’s safe. You can hold on to it the way you need to hold onto your financial well-being. I wanted it to appeal to all women because domestic violence and financial abuse affects all types of women.
The leather and tweed mix – is that a fall trend you personally like? What are your favorite go-to styles when not on camera?
I also like to combine more classic elements with edgier ones. I live in jeans & t-shirts when I’m not working.
I understand that only a limited number of purses will be available – how can we get our hands on one?!
Each of the participating non-profits in the Allstate Foundation Purple Purse Challenge have received purses to use and distribute in their own communities. Some organizations may choose to auction off them to raise money, so be sure to keep an eye out in your own community and visit the individual non-profit partner pages through
Is fashion design something you find yourself gravitating towards? I mean, especially since the recent launch of your Scandal x The Limited collection...
Yes, I’ve definitely been bitten by the design bug!
Any chance we can expect to see the purple purse make a Scandal cameo? Or maybe even a pop of purple added to Olivia’s wardrobe?
Probably not. But I’ll be wearing it for sure!?
I assume it takes an incredibly strong woman to play a like-minded person like Olivia Pope. On both a personal and professional level, what makes you feel empowered?
Feeling loved and loving makes me feel empowered.
What would your advice be to women who feel like they can’t speak out? Or don’t have the tools they need to escape a harmful environment?
If you suspect a friend or family member is in an abusive relationship, talking about it with them can be hard. The most important thing you can do is to let them know they have support and options to leave the relationship. Don’t be afraid to tell her you are concerned for her safety and suggest ways she can get additional help. When you visit you can see it was created to look like a style or shopping site so that women who are struggling with these issues, can visit and not feel embarrassed. It is designed to make women feel more comfortable while getting the help they may need.