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The Advantages of Fair Trade Products
- Chocolate is one of the products that may carry the FAIRTRADE certification mark.chocolates image by OMKAR A.V from
Products that are marketed as fair trade guarantee a fair deal for all involved.
Fair trade also guarantees the quality of products and ensures that they meet social, economic and environmental standards set out by the fair trade organizations.
The Fair Trade Federation supports and promotes organizations in North America that are committed to fair trade. The Fairtrade Foundation addresses issues relating to fair trade in the United Kingdom. The Fairtrade Labelling Organisations International are a pair of umbrella organizations that have "overall responsibility for developing Fairtrade standards, supporting producers, and operating global certification and auditing systems," according to the Fairtrade Foundation. - Fair trade guarantees a minimum price based on consultations with fair trade producers and traders to ensure that the producers always receive a fair price based on the market rate. Fair trade organizations also help producers gain access to mainstream market information that allows producers to get a fair price without the intervention of a middle man. This guarantees them a fair price to support continued sustainable production.
- Producers of fair trade goods have to be certified by the relevant organization to maintain their fair trade status. This includes maintaining environmental standards that include protection of their natural environment by minimizing the use of nonrenewable energy sources.
- When we buy fair trade products, the producers receive a premium above the minimum price that is invested directly back into the community. This allows the communities to improve their physical and social environment by building schools, clinics and community centers. Fair trade allows communities to take control of their own lives and not be dependent on charity or the government.
- All producers of fair trade products guarantee a safe and healthy working environment for their employees. As no organization can completely guarantee that child labor is not used in developing countries, fair trade producers have to ensure that they are working toward eliminating the worst forms of child labor and that children get the opportunity to go to school.