Home & Garden Cleaning & Laundry

How to Maintain Bruce Hardwood Floors With Vinegar

    • 1). Remove any rugs, tables and chairs to access the entire floor.

    • 2). Sweep or vacuum the floor to remove any dirt and crumbs.

    • 3). Pour 1 gallon of warm water and 1/2 cup of white vinegar into a bucket. Mix the solution thoroughly

    • 4). Dip your mop into the bucket. Wring the mop out, so it's damp, but not dripping.

    • 5). Mop the floor, making sure to go in the direction of the wood planks.

    • 6). Rinse the mop head as you work your way around the floor. When the solution in the bucket is dirty, dump it, and make another batch.

    • 7). Let your floor air dry, or wipe it dry with a soft cloth.

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