Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

3 Signs Your Ex Wants You Back

Break ups not only create a space between you and your ex but also gives enough time to think about each other. Breaking up with someone is tough as it effects everything you do for a long time. You're now thinking of getting your ex back, but how can you be sure that it won't be a vain effort? When looking for signs your ex wants you back it isnt easy to put logic and common sense ahead of emotions. The following are some signs your ex wants you back.

1)The way she responded to your presence

Look for prolonged eye contact during conversation and quick adjustments to her hair when she first notices your presence. Womens desire for physical contact is so closely wired to their emotional state that if she truly wants nothing more to do with you emotionally, she will also be cool and polite physically. You can tell the difference between a polite social hug or handshake, and the sort of warm, affectionate hug that happens between people who are emotionally close. If you notice her looking at you with longing and love in her eyes, it certainly means that she still has the feelings, she wants you back and she is waiting for you to make a move to win back her back.

2) She still goes out with you

She may have decided to go out on dates but if she still sees you even if she starts dating someone else, it means she is giving you a fair chance to prove yourself. Do not waste this chance and make the best out of it. She still has feelings for you when she agrees to go out with you rather than an outright refusal to see you.

3) She will respond to your messages

Every time you sent her a text message, gave her a call on the phone or even an email, she responded to all of them. What is important is that you are trying to maintain a connection with her and she doesnt repulse you. It actually shows a positive chance of you both getting back together.

The pointers will help you to identify positive signs that your ex really does want you back. She may not say yes right away, but if you see all three signs that your ex-girlfriend wants you back, pursue her showing your love at this point is a sure way to getting her back again.

There is a free video at that you will find some good resources on the first step to stop a breakup.

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