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How to Make a Thatched Hut


  • 1). Determine the shape and size of your hut. Permanent, durable thatched huts are commonly pyramid-shaped, circular or square. Measure the circumference of the hut on the ground and mark using wooden stakes and twine. Include a space for a doorway.

  • 2). Pound a stake about 6 to 8 inches into the ground at approximate 3 foot intervals. Remove the stake and place saplings or bamboo poles into the opening. Pack loose earth tightly at the base of the pole.

  • 3). Cut the tops of the wall poles to a uniform height.

  • 4). Weave saplings or bamboo horizontally between vertical poles at approximate 2 foot intervals. If the structure is square or pyramid-shaped, tie ends of horizontal poles to corner posts with twine. If the hut is circular, tie the ends of horizontal poles to any vertical pole.

  • 5). Weave horizontal poles in between the very top of vertical poles to create a base for the roof. Tie horizontal poles to each vertical pole to increase the strength of the structure.

  • 6). Lay long poles horizontally on top of the walls. Position the poles so that there's a pole at each corner and at the center of each wall for square and pyramid-shaped huts. Place additional poles at evenly spaced intervals between the poles as necessary for all hut shapes. Tie the poles together at the center of the structure and raise to an approximate 45-degree angle, tying the poles securely to the top of the walls. The roof should support itself, much like a teepee.

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