Health & Medical Hair Health,Hair Loss

Is it possible to get a hair transplant from a different donor than myself

Modern techniques has provided us miraculous ability to transplant hearts, lungs, kidneys and many other organs from one person to another person. So is it also possible to get a hair transplant from a different donor than myself? It is great question which might be arising in your mind too. Some people have no hair on their body so can they get hair transplant from another person? According to theory it is possible to  transplant hair from one person to another but in reality the answer is no. let's check out.

Unlike organ transplant, the person who wants to get hair transplant, is a donor himself. There is no donor and recipient in hair transplant surgery. Your body would reject hair, tissues and follicles, if you get them from other person without immune suppressant drugs. You can only get hair for transplantation surgery from donor sites which must be only on your body.  

When a patient transplants hair from other person, it is of great risk and has many side effects. In general, doctors say that hair transplant from other person should be rejected unless anti-rejection medication is taken for life. The drugs which are used after getting hair transplant surgery also carry potential long term risks.  Therefore hair transplant is not performed from one person to another.

So if you want to get hair transplantation from another individual, make sure that both of you have the same genetically material. Identical twins are the best example of it. Alternatively it is good to use your own body hair to get a hair transplant. Scalp hair can be effectively used to create sideburns and it is possible to transplant hair.

Bone marrow transplant can also be performed by using the hair of another person. Bone marrow hair transplant is a medical procedure which is performed only when a person is too much ill such as an individual suffering from cancer. In bone marrow transplant, the immune system and blood system of patient is replaced by another person. The hair grows extremely well after getting bone marrow transplant. Bone marrow transplantation is a very complex procedure and carries several potential risks to the patient. Therefore, bone marrow transplantation surgery can only be performed in the individuals who are suffering from serious illness. It cannot be used in healthy individuals. Generally it is not possible to get hair transplant by using donor hair from another person.     

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