Health & Medical Body building

Abs Are Built in the Kitchen

Your commitment to your nutrition is much more important than your exercise program.
You could do the hardest, most intense workout program on the planet and if your nutrition is not where it should be, you are wasting your time working for a slim stomach.
You have to eat "clean" for at least 90 days to see spectacular results.
Make a deal with yourself that you will commit 100% to your nutrition for the next 90 days and when you are done you can reward yourself with all the cookies you want.
It only takes one or two cookies to completely ruin your hard work during the day.
If you want a slim stomach you could take a look at "Michi's Ladder" which is a very good guide to eating a "clean" diet.
This guide was developed by fitness professionals and easy to read.
There are 5 tiers which each having a group of foods.
Tier 1(The Pious Tier) includes the healthiest and "cleanest" foods while Tier 5 (The Newburg Tier) includes foods that will not help you with your goal to a slim stomach and those cherished ripped abs you long for in your workout routines.
Move your fitness forward today by eating the right foods, working out, and those ab muscles will soon show! Michi's Ladder is a guideline, but we leave it to you to decide.
If you only ate from Tiers 1 & 2, you would have a near-perfect diet! You can actually eat to carve the physique you want.
Basic Clean-Eating Principles 1) Eat 6 Small Meals Each Day.
2) Eat every 2 to 3 hours.
3) Eat a combination of lean protien plus complex carbohydrates at each meal.
4) Drink 2 to 3 liters of water each day.
5) For your complex carbs, enzymes and fiber you should depend on fresh fruits and vegetables.
6) Eat whole grains, not refined, over-processed, chemically charged foods.
7) Choose lean protien from poultry, fish, wild game, soy products and lugumes.
8) Eat healthy fats every day from fish, healthy oils, nuts, seeds and grains.
9) You should never miss a meal, especially breakfast.
10) Portion sizes should be reasonable and usually not much bigger than a closed fist.
You should avoid: *Over-processed, refined foods.
*Chemicals and preservatives.
*White Flour.
*White Sugar.
*Artificial Sugars.
*Saturated and trans fats.
*Alcohol - avoid or minimize intake.
*Calorie-dense foods with little or no nutritional food value.

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