Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

Ex Girflriend With Someone New? No Problem, You Can Still Get Her Back

Few things are as painful and depressing as hearing that your ex has already moved on and found someone new. This scenario is especially difficult if you're trying to repair your relationship and get back together with your ex. It can feel like someone stabbing you in the heart, and you may want to quit trying to win back your ex girlfriend altogether... but don't quit yet, because there's still plenty of hope left.

Regardless of the reasons behind your breakup -- whether it was initiated by you or by your ex, whether it was messy or very cordial -- it's extremely likely that you have a good chance of getting back together with your ex girlfriend. That also includes any scenario involving a new man she's found to replace you.

Not surprisingly, your ex girlfriend is probably just as heartbroken as you are about the end of your relationship. She'll do anything to stop the pain, including finding a new man to fill the void that's created by your breakup. But in reality, anyone new she's with in the days and weeks after your breakup is probably a temporary rebound relationship to help her cope with her pain and sadness.

Yes, it sucks that your ex girlfriend is sleeping with someone else, and that can be ridiculously painful to think about. But here's the good news: because this new man is likely just a rebound, there's not much love or passion involved. Your ex probably doesn't love this man the way she loved you, especially if they've only been dating for a week or two. True love -- the kind that lasts -- takes months and years to form.

So, now that we've established that your ex girlfriend's new man is actually not really a "replacement" for you but rather a temporary distraction while she gets over her feelings for you, let's examine why your ex's new man may actually be a good thing for you in the long run.

As mentioned earlier, your ex girlfriend isn't in love with this guy, and in all likelihood, they're probably not compatible anyway. It didn't take her long to find him or jump into his bed, so there really wasn't much time for her to determine if this guy was right for him. And, chances are, he's not nearly as compatible with her as you were.

Sooner or later, your ex girlfriend will come to accept that this new rebound relationship just isn't working and won't be a long-term thing. (Most rebound relationships end within 3-5 weeks.) When she does end up cutting ties with her rebound man, then the emotions left over from your breakup will hit your ex like a brick wall.

All of sudden, with her rebound gone and her sadness back in full force, your ex girlfriend will start to second-guess whether it was a good idea to break up with you in the first place. <em>"That guy I dated as a rebound was a total loser,"</em> she'll think to herself, <em>"I wonder if I should've just stayed together with my ex, he was way better for me than Mr Rebound!"</em>

As these feelings of doubt flood your ex's mind, and she has the recently-dumped rebound man to compare you with, she'll inevitably be in a vulnerable and heartbroken state. At this point, if you're still convinced that this is the woman for you, then you can move in and re-establish communication with your ex.

It's important not to move in too fast, before your ex girlfriend has time to ponder what she's lost when she broke up with you. Start casual, and eventually, you'll see her rebound guy fade from memory and be replaced by you.

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