Cars & Vehicles Motorcycles

Motorcycle Helmet Review

'If you got a $50 head, then get yourself a $50 lid!' That's the advice I was given before buying my first motorcycle lid.
It's the best buying advice I've ever had too! Choosing a motorcycle lid is, in the end, a personal choice but it's pretty obvious that you generally get what you pay for.
There are various types, all of which have their strengths and weaknesses.
Here's a list of the those available:
  • Full face lids - provide the most protection of all the helmet types and they encase the rider's entire head.
    You may find some (the cheaper ones) lacking in comfort and freedom.
  • Hybrid or Flip-up face lids would give you more visibility but, as, if the 'flip' is 'up' it doesn't encase the entire head, the chin is left vulnerable.
  • Open face lids also known as a three quarter motorcycle helmets provide protection for the skull, ears and the side of the face.
    This type of helmet has no chin protection at all.
    Also you'd need extra eye protection as they would be exposed to the wind, dirt, insects etc.
  • Shorty helmets also known as a half helmets provide no protection for the chin or the side of the face.
    Again, as with the open face type you'd need extra eye protection as they would be exposed to the wind, dirt, insects etc.
Motorcycle Lid Buying Tips Try on motorcycle lids a number of times to detect possible 'problem' areas with the fit.
Use a mirror to see how the helmet looks on your head; make sure that the helmet rests just above your brow.
Make sure the helmet rests tightly against your forehead, you shouldn't be able to get your thumb between the helmet and your forehead.
Always check to see if any red marks are showing after you've removed the helmet.
Always make sure that the motorcycle lid you buy has been Snell certified, or is a DOT approved motorcycle helmet.
If not, your insurance cover may be affected - check with your insurance company about this.
Noisy helmets are to be avoided as they distract the rider and cause extra fatigue.
Lower quality ventilation systems are chief cause of noisy in helmets.
The more aerodynamic the helmet and the better the vents, the less noise there will be.
Generally, cheaper helmets are noisy helmets.

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