Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Intention, Vision, Effort, Evaluation

In this article we will talk about four fundamental steps for manifesting anything you want in life.
All of these three steps have to be performed on three levels: 1.
The Conscious (the world of activity) 2.
The Subconscious (the world of dreams, thoughts, imagination) 3.
The Superconscious (the divine universal connection we have within) To start bringing into your life something new, you might not need to go through all the three steps, but you move on to the next step only if the steps you have just performed are not enough.
Please keep in mind that if something doesn't come into your life it simply means that it doesn't have enough energy to come into being.
Or even if it has some energy, it might not be strong enough to resist the inner "weather" of your inner "landscape".
If within yourself you have strong winds of confusion, the inner plane of your dreams might not be strong enough to go to its destination easily.
Therefore, the first advice i give you, before starting any work that will bring you to a life change, please calm your mind first, then you will have good grounds upon which to base your power.
Have a Clear Intention First of all, what do you want? Can you define it? Can you really say it out loud? If nobody cared what would you want? Sometimes we just wait for something special to show up into our life, and of course that rarely (if ever) happens.
The Sun shines on a clear sky.
State your intentions clearly.
If you are able to do this, give yourself three days, and see if something happens.
If it doesn't then move on.
Create a Clear Vision At this point it is important to define your intention even more by transforming it into a Vision.
Figure yourself into a situation that would provide the evidence that you are looking for would have manifested.
Then perceive all that is behind that vision.
Get involved mentally with the senses, but also, and most important, with all the other things behind it.
The responsibility that comes with what you want, the lifestyle, the people.
As you close your eyes, try to go as deep as you can within yourself, gather as much energy as you can, then release it out to the Universe.
Let it go, don't hold it, have a sense of faith.
Give yourself other three days.
See what happens.
If nothing happens, move on.
Put Concrete Effort It is time to take action towards what you want now.
Create a concrete plan.
This plan consists of certain actions that needs to be performed physically, mentally, and spiritually.
Act on the plan.
Go wherever you need to go, do whatever you need to do, speak and meet with the people you need, give yourself the training required, etc...
If you feel it is not enough, then take massive action: Intensity + Duration = Force.
Build up energy, focus it, but make a plan first, otherwise your energy will be directed in a dispersive way, and you will waste its power.
If you achieve what you wanted, that's great.
Otherwise move on to the next step.
Evaluation The time have come to evaluate the results of what you have done up until now.
See what has worked and what has not worked and reevaluate your intention, vision, and efforts around it.
Stir and repeat the steps.
Remember that Intensity + Duration = Force.
Also remember to act at different levels of your consciousness, conscious, subconscious, and superconscious.

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