How Can You Solve the Problem You are Facing Currently Using the Analog of Marriage
It's common to all of us that we have faced or are facing some difficult problems in our life and sometimes fail to decide what solutions do you go for either to surrender or to pursue the matter ahead. For example you are in an abusive relationship whereby your spouse doesn't care about you, the love between you has grown cold, you no longer feel wanted and you don't know what to do next, below is some of the suggestion you will get.
This is a suggestion I have mostly read all over which many people can apply, and it depends on what perspective you are looking it from, fore example if both of you have had kid together maybe you might decide to leave him the kids or take them, and also you are ready to carry on the burden you are alone, why do I say so. Many people are not able to see the positive contribution of the other person until the individual demise from their lives then we start realizing his/her goodness once the gap is created.
So are you ready to fill the gap being created by the other individual, and remember in this earth we are unique and different, so if that will be the answer go ahead. Some people will say I will hook up with a different person but how sure you with the other person. Since its us who create our world don't you know that you will also send the negative energy to the other person and start attracting what you had experienced before? From above we can say that walking out of the relationship is an individual decision after weighing the consequences then one can come up with the best solution to the question.
This is a suggestion which is adopted by many who already don't have an alternative, maybe they had run away from home to get married, they looked at the man and so that he was the best man to marry, the were attracted by the money this man or woman had and fear if they run away they will miss them and decide just to stay, some will fear what the friends will say because they had told them that they are married and so on.
So what will happen if you decide to stay on and do nothing, maybe like other places in the world you are bitten all the time and you just continue condoning the blows. In this case we an say that if you continue praying for the best and doing nothing maybe you will be hurt ,or die or something bad happen to you. And many people will just say keep on keeping on, maybe one day he/she might change be better,
but let s say that waiting for the other person to change is a waste of time and you are only be hurting yourself, since we are the creator of our lives we must be ready to
change for the other person to get attracted to what we are having when I married I taught my wife was the best I got, since I had not learnt the secret of knowing who I was,
I just wanted to change her to fit what I wanted, I found difficult and many problems propped up I didn't what I should have done.
Then I said try reading marriage counseling books then apply what I leant but I was just doing nothing because the problem was not with my wife but I was the problem, so I said let me now start changing the way I see things maybe I own the problems instead of seeing my wife that she has a problem, I just accept that I have a problem, then slowly things started changing to be better and found that I had the medicine to the problem which was happening to us, am not saying that you are the one who create the problem but if each one is able to own up his/her dark side then will shall attract what is better and life will be better more,
Many people we have a problem because we create pictures in our minds and start acting exactly as you made it without realizing that we have only made it ourselves. For example you might hear a conversation while talking with your friends at work that nowadays husbands are no faithful or nowadays wives are not faithful, if we don't look after them we might loose them or they might cheat on us. then on the way home you keep on thinking about the conversation you had at work then a picture is created from nowhere about how you husband has cheated on you or wife is seeing someone else, immediately fear clop up then you feel resentment and then keep on thinking and since you don't want to communicate you feel you should keep it to yourself and maybe wait for evidence then ask and here we don't realize that our mind cannot comprehend what is real and what is false immediately it says your wish is my command I will give what you ask for.
then a situation s created whereby a friend of your husband who is a lady calls all of sudden from nowhere maybe the husband didn't lock the office that day, and it happens you were near the phone ad in this case she is using her phone and not office phone to pass the information and you know what at work we have people who joke sometimes, maybe there are names they have given themselves then immediately somebody picks the phone she says from the other side hello " honey" and this case a joke.
Don't you seeing you have got the evidence you wanted and immediately your thought becomes a living and is manifested to what you wanted. Maybe what if once the thought came while coming home or you had the conversation and instead of remaining it to yourself you came straight to your husband or wife and shared what you had being said is happening and maybe who know you would have saved the whole situation and would have not caused what you finally got.
Do we all agree that what we are experiencing is caused by us and we are fully responsible, the decision is ours we can decide to walk away, remain and nothing or change our thoughts and communicate what is in our hearts.
Hesbon Nyambane has spend most of his time learning how we can solve difficult problems and situations in our lives and he will continue sharing with the world many discoveries how we can handle situation, he is married with one wife Christine working in a bank and they are blessed with one child called mark and are staying in Nairobi, Kenya. You can read his blog for free articles and materials at man's potential and you are free to distribute to your friends as long as you maintain the originality.
This is a suggestion I have mostly read all over which many people can apply, and it depends on what perspective you are looking it from, fore example if both of you have had kid together maybe you might decide to leave him the kids or take them, and also you are ready to carry on the burden you are alone, why do I say so. Many people are not able to see the positive contribution of the other person until the individual demise from their lives then we start realizing his/her goodness once the gap is created.
So are you ready to fill the gap being created by the other individual, and remember in this earth we are unique and different, so if that will be the answer go ahead. Some people will say I will hook up with a different person but how sure you with the other person. Since its us who create our world don't you know that you will also send the negative energy to the other person and start attracting what you had experienced before? From above we can say that walking out of the relationship is an individual decision after weighing the consequences then one can come up with the best solution to the question.
This is a suggestion which is adopted by many who already don't have an alternative, maybe they had run away from home to get married, they looked at the man and so that he was the best man to marry, the were attracted by the money this man or woman had and fear if they run away they will miss them and decide just to stay, some will fear what the friends will say because they had told them that they are married and so on.
So what will happen if you decide to stay on and do nothing, maybe like other places in the world you are bitten all the time and you just continue condoning the blows. In this case we an say that if you continue praying for the best and doing nothing maybe you will be hurt ,or die or something bad happen to you. And many people will just say keep on keeping on, maybe one day he/she might change be better,
but let s say that waiting for the other person to change is a waste of time and you are only be hurting yourself, since we are the creator of our lives we must be ready to
change for the other person to get attracted to what we are having when I married I taught my wife was the best I got, since I had not learnt the secret of knowing who I was,
I just wanted to change her to fit what I wanted, I found difficult and many problems propped up I didn't what I should have done.
Then I said try reading marriage counseling books then apply what I leant but I was just doing nothing because the problem was not with my wife but I was the problem, so I said let me now start changing the way I see things maybe I own the problems instead of seeing my wife that she has a problem, I just accept that I have a problem, then slowly things started changing to be better and found that I had the medicine to the problem which was happening to us, am not saying that you are the one who create the problem but if each one is able to own up his/her dark side then will shall attract what is better and life will be better more,
Many people we have a problem because we create pictures in our minds and start acting exactly as you made it without realizing that we have only made it ourselves. For example you might hear a conversation while talking with your friends at work that nowadays husbands are no faithful or nowadays wives are not faithful, if we don't look after them we might loose them or they might cheat on us. then on the way home you keep on thinking about the conversation you had at work then a picture is created from nowhere about how you husband has cheated on you or wife is seeing someone else, immediately fear clop up then you feel resentment and then keep on thinking and since you don't want to communicate you feel you should keep it to yourself and maybe wait for evidence then ask and here we don't realize that our mind cannot comprehend what is real and what is false immediately it says your wish is my command I will give what you ask for.
then a situation s created whereby a friend of your husband who is a lady calls all of sudden from nowhere maybe the husband didn't lock the office that day, and it happens you were near the phone ad in this case she is using her phone and not office phone to pass the information and you know what at work we have people who joke sometimes, maybe there are names they have given themselves then immediately somebody picks the phone she says from the other side hello " honey" and this case a joke.
Don't you seeing you have got the evidence you wanted and immediately your thought becomes a living and is manifested to what you wanted. Maybe what if once the thought came while coming home or you had the conversation and instead of remaining it to yourself you came straight to your husband or wife and shared what you had being said is happening and maybe who know you would have saved the whole situation and would have not caused what you finally got.
Do we all agree that what we are experiencing is caused by us and we are fully responsible, the decision is ours we can decide to walk away, remain and nothing or change our thoughts and communicate what is in our hearts.
Hesbon Nyambane has spend most of his time learning how we can solve difficult problems and situations in our lives and he will continue sharing with the world many discoveries how we can handle situation, he is married with one wife Christine working in a bank and they are blessed with one child called mark and are staying in Nairobi, Kenya. You can read his blog for free articles and materials at man's potential and you are free to distribute to your friends as long as you maintain the originality.