Pets & Animal Pets Cats

The Purrfect Pet - RagDoll Cats and Kittens

The RagDoll Cat breed came about from the offspring of a semi-feral white Persian female whom was injured when hit by a car and bred to a male Birman Cat.
The controversy is that the "breed" relaxes completely when picked up or held.
The resulting floppy "RagDoll" appearance gives the breed its name.
Some believe that this trait was passed on from the injured female, whom may have suffered nerve damage, others disagree stating that it is not genetically possible.
Little is known as to why these felines are unique in so many ways.
The RagDoll is similar in appearance to the Birman, except for the heavier body build and lack of tell tale white "gloves".
Varieties include the Bicolor RagDoll, with a pale body, dark markings on the mask, ears, and tails (seal, chocolate, blue or lilac), and a white underside.
Points refers to points of their features such as ears, nose, paws and tail.
Colorpoints have points in the same colors and Mitted RagDolls are the same as Colorpoint but with white front paws.
Colors include chocolate, seal with varying shades of brown, blue (which is shades of grey) and lilac which is more a rosy shade of beige.
Some can be cream, blue/cream or flame (cream that is more reddish).
The rare Mink RagDolls have their coloring at birth, whereas the others are usually born white The cats fur is full and long, plush, but is not as long as many of the long haired breeds.
They do not have an undercoat which makes for less shedding as well as easy maintenance and grooming.
Their bodies are long and solid, although they go limp when picked up.
They have medium legs, large round paws, and a long, medium tail.
The head is a rounded wedge shape with a medium nose, fully developed cheeks, and small, round, mostly blue eyes, although green, green/blue and aqua are common in the mink RagDolls and the straight colored RagDolls can often have nonmatching eye colors.
Ears are medium, rounded at the tips and tufted.
These are large cats, with males often exceeding 20 plus pounds.
These Cats have an extremely docile temperament, slow to mature and don't reach full maturity until 3 to 4 years of age.
Perhaps that is why they remain quite playful well beyond the kitten stages.
They are "lovers", not fighters and very trusting of others that they may not recognize danger.
Best suited to the indoors, the RagDoll has an extremely high tolerance to pain so that injuries can go unnoticed.
These big fluffy cats are calm and like tranquility.
They also like dogs, particularly large dogs.
They get along well with other household pets and make wonderful pets for children.
They are often described as the "puppy cat" in that they will follow one around much like a puppy.
They are also very trainable.
RagDolls are big, sweet tempered, family oriented cats, making them the purrfect pet for many homes.

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