Health & Medical Lose Weight

What Are the Benefits of Alli?

    • Alli is a tool to help you lose weight.pills and pill bottle image by Effie White from

      Advances in technology have brought new and improved weight-loss drugs. One such drug is called Alli. This medication is unique in that it isn't an appetite suppressant, and is really indicated for use as an add-on to a healthy diet and exercise program. In addition, Alli comes with a companion book that discusses the diet and exercise plan to follow, in addition to recommended behavioral changes.

    Weight Loss

    • The main reason that people take Alli is for weight loss, of course, and that is the main benefit of taking it. However, keep in mind that as Alli works by reducing the fat that you have consumed, rather than by suppressing your appetite, The loss will take more work and happen more slowly. Also, in order for it to work you must follow a low-fat diet and a regular fitness regime. According to Dr. Gary Foster, director of the Center of Obesity Research and Education at Temple University, you will lose 50 percent more weight by taking Alli than you would by just dieting and exercising on your own.

    Good Diet

    • One benefit of taking Alli is that you will have to eat a balanced diet while eating it. You'll have to, because if you eat a higher-fat diet, the consequences will be explosive, literally, as your bowel movements could become problematic. To gain the desired results of weight loss without stomach troubles, eat one-third of your calories in fat, one-third from protein and the other third from carbohydrates. Thus, you will be staying healthy while taking Alli and losing weight.

    Side Effects

    • As Alli is not an appetite suppressant, you don't have the same risks that often come along with those, such as shakiness or reactions. Instead, as Alli blocks the absorption of fat in the gastrointestinal tract, you won't have much in the way of physical side effects, except for perhaps some gastrointestinal issues such as loose bowel movements and flatulence.

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