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How to Avoid Craigslist Flagging by Image Hosting

  • 1). Click "Post to Classifieds," and choose a category and subcategory for your ad. Input a title that concisely describes that content of your post, as well as your location and a price if you're selling a product or service. Input your email address and select whether you want Craigslist to make it anonymous.

  • 2). Type out the body of the ad, making sure all details an interested party needs to know are included any the ad. Don't embed links to any images into the ad using HTML code if you haven't hosted the images on your own personal webspace.

  • 3). Click the "Add/Edit Images" button; then click "Choose File" and browse your computer's hard drive for an image to upload. Choose "Open" to attach the image to your Craigslist post. Craigslist allows you to upload up to four images in total. Click "Continue" to preview the ad.

  • 4). Input the image verification screen; then select "Continue" once again to send an email confirmation to your inbox. Click the link within the confirmation email to post the ad live on the site.

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