Health & Medical Alternative Medicine

Pass Gallstones- Learn How to Naturally Pass Gallstones and Avoid Gallbladder Surgery

Is it possible to pass gallstones naturally and avoid surgery? Yes and thousands have already done it!

However, almost a half a million people naively listen to their doctor's recommendation and get gallbladder surgery which is also referred to as cholecystectomy. Though cholecystectomies are extremely effective for getting rid of gallstones (after all you get your organ, the gallbladder, removed), it could also drastically increase your risk of bowel or colon cancer.

Is it really worth having your organ removed, only to later find out that you could be at risk for cancer? Before you meet your surgeon, have you tried to pass your gallstones with a simple gallstone remedy?

Avoid Gallbladder Surgery

Chances are that you know someone who has had their gallbladder removed. In fact, it is such a popular surgery that patients can be in and out in 24 hours. Though the recovering period can be weeks. During the weeks after surgery, the body must adjust to the missing organ and the dripping bile in the digestive tract. You will typically suffer from diarrhea and nausea.

And to top off the side effects, you could also be putting yourself at risk for cancer further down the road. Many surgeries that were a success 20 years ago are now resulting in patients with bowel cancer.

And finally, do you really have $15,000 lying around for a rainy day? I don't either! However, gallbladder surgery is getting ever more expensive and can cost in the upwards of $15,000. No wonder the medical industry is now the most lucrative industries of the 21st century.

But the goods news is that you can pass gallstones naturally without ever stepping foot in a hospital!

Learn How to Naturally Pass Gallstones

It is important to know the risk factors for cholesterol stones are different than those for pigment stones. The risks associated with cholesterol stones include abdominal aches, nausea, vomiting, chills, fever and gallbladder infection. The risks associated with pigment stones include cirrhosis, biliary tract infections, and hereditary blood cell disorders, such as sickle cell anemia.

You should know that cholesterol based gallstones are much easier to dissolve and pass than pigment stones. If you are unsure, you should see your doctor or call and ask if you have already been diagnosed.

One treatment that is becoming popular in medical establishments is oral dissolution therapy. The procedure uses medicines ingested orally to dissolve gallstones. The medicine is made up of acid naturally found in bile which works by breaking down the cholesterol based gallstones. Though this surgery is effective, it could take months to get success which could result in damage to vital organs.

We found great success in a natural liver cleanse remedy. With this remedy you are flushing the liver to alleviate the possibility of additional strain being placed on the gallbladder with the excess cholesterol and bile salts. The liver works hard to remove toxins, pollutants, fats, and alcohol. By cleaning your body's filter, you can actually pass gallstones in the process.

During the flush, we also recommend a high dosage of water! Water will aid in the body with passing the gallstones. Many experts say that olive oil (used in liver cleanse) lubricates the gallstones in the bile ducts to help them pass but this is still unclear.

If you are interested in canceling your gallbladder surgery, we recommend you try a liver and gallbladder flush tonight!

Pass Gallstones Pain free in Less than 24 Hours

Imagine being able to call the hospital to cancel the surgery 24 hours from now! For the most effective gallstone natural remedy, we recommend read our Pass Gallstones Remedy Report which offers the only guaranteed, step by step natural remedy on the e-market. To get your copy sent to your computer, please visit today!

Naturally Pass Gallstone

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