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How to: Origami Gerber Daisies

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      Paper daisies can make for a realistic and scent-free bouquet.Hemera Technologies/ Images

      Position a piece of origami paper with the corner facing upwards, appearing like a diamond. Begin with the white side of the paper facing up. Fold the paper in half from top to bottom so that the top and bottom corners meet. Open it up and fold it again from side to side. This should create two creases in the shape of a cross.

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      Variations of paper flowers can make a great decoration.Jupiterimages/Goodshoot/Getty Images

      Turn the paper so the colored side is facing up. Place the paper as a square. Crease it by meeting the bottom to the top edge and again from side to side. This creates four creased triangular sections on both the top and the bottom of the open square piece of origami paper.

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      Origami can be made in different patterned and colored papers.Digital Vision./Photodisc/Getty Images

      Position the piece of paper like a diamond so a pointed edge is facing upward. Pull together the outer two corners, bringing them inward and downward to rest as triangles upon the bottom corner. Complete this action while taking the top point of the diamond and folding it down to the bottom point. Once folded, this step should have created a diamond-shaped piece but in a small, folded-together formation.

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      Lifelike daisies can be made with simple paper folds.Digital Vision./Photodisc/Getty Images

      Pressing the diamond piece into place, fold the right top corner downward so that the edge edge meets the center crease to create a crease in a triangular shape. Use the created crease to open and flatten the flap against the flat diamond. It will appear to be a triangle resting within the original diamond. Repeat this step on the remaining three flaps of the diamond. This creates a narrow diamond shape with the lower edges shorter than the top two edges.

    • 5). Flip the side folds of the narrow diamond so that the top and bottom layers are flat sheets with a single crease and each side includes four layers with folded edges. Take the bottom point of the flat diamond, and fold the top layer upwards creating a horizontal crease that connects the side corners of the diamond. Repeat this step on the three other flaps, giving each the bottom horizontal crease. There now appears a short triangle inside a tall triangle.

    • 6). Turn the triangle so that the peak points downward, and ensure that there are an equal number of folded layers on each side. Following the lines of the shorter triangles, fold creases that extend from the point of the small triangle to the folded edge of the large triangle.

    • 7). Pinch the narrow end at the middle crease enabling the layers to fold at the most recent creases and the edges to meet behind the piece of paper. Hold the narrow section of the origami paper loosely, pulling the outermost petals toward one another until they meet. The creation should begin to take the form of a flower. Simply pinch the end of the petals, folding back their tips to finish the Gerbera daisy origami.

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