Health & Medical Body building

Why You Must Never Use Creatine - Or Any Other Supplement

It's unfortunate to see beginners and intermediate muscle-gainers today flock to the nearest shop to buy the latest supplement.
For them, it's all about the 'pill', as if the quest for huge muscles begins and ends there.
Here are a few things to think about when you're looking for the next best creatine.
You're Dishonoring Your Body No amount of justification will convince me otherwise.
It may be the 'best' form of protein created theoretically, but is it the best kind that your body will absorb and recognize? Those are completely different things.
Think about antibiotics.
They may be the best treatments for certain illnesses but our bodies haven't evolved that quickly to adjust to the unnatural method of their delivery.
After thousands of years, not all of us are still accustomed to grains.
What more with cutting-edge forms of protein? Not only are you being too egotistical by implying that your body can take the most technologically-advanced formula without any side-effects, but you're willing to become a guinea pig for the entire human race.
For any created food or drug, tests have to be conducted for decades of a variety of subjects.
And even then, it will still have to evolve to become better and better.
You're Saying You're A Wimp I'm sorry, but there's no getting around this one.
By relying on supplements rather than sound training programs and a structured recovery plan, you don't want to put in the effort to build your body the proper way.
I can understand high-caliber athletes who compete several times a year.
But if you haven't even reached the advanced level and already spend more time reviewing post-workout shakes than actually training (or resting), there's something wrong.
Gaining huge muscles rely on 3 key aspects - sleep, diet, and training.
Both sleep and diet are part of recovery and training is when you subject yourself to heavy loads.
If you haven't even mastered this complex interaction with regards to your body, you've got no business fussing over even multivitamins.
By introducing supplements into the mix, you're making things more complicated, and eventually, risky.
Those 'before and after' photos always come with a catch.
You're Giving Up Too Easily I completely understand your quest to find things that are faster, better, or more efficient.
However, you've got to understand that there are certain limits which cannot be broken or flexed.
One type of limit is the way your internal organs work.
Sure, you may train your heart to function better in your 40's or 50's.
You can even reset your metabolism a couple of years back.
But your body will age, no matter how much you exercise.
Training only does it gradually and stretches your peak performance a while longer.
Taking supplements will have unforeseen effects when you reach your 40's or 50's.
And no matter how muscled you are today, you still have to train hard years from now to keep those muscles alive.
What good would those supplements have done if you haven't trained yourself for brutal, hard work the way muscle-building was supposed to be?

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