Health & Medical Pain Diseases

A Stiff Knee - An Injury Might Mean Big Time Trouble! - Take Your Stability to the Next Level

Why do you think your knee is stiff? Was it due to an injury? Many people who engage in regular sporting activities do not think much about a stiff knee injury.
They simply assume that is part and parcel of leading an active lifestyle.
However, this can be a very dangerous assumption to make, as a stiff knee injury can often be an indicator of something more serious.
What Causes A Stiff Knee? Stiffness in the knee joint is usually caused by inflammation in the knee area or in the surrounding ligaments and tissues.
The tissues swell up, making it difficult for the knee to bend normally, leading to a stiff knee.
If your knee meniscus is injured, the damaged meniscus can also create a stiff knee sensation.
Another cause could be overstrained muscles or ligaments that have been injured and have tightened up.
Injured muscles and ligaments can definitely limit the degree of movement in the knee.
Don't Ignore It! Too many people who simply ignore a stiff knee injury end up with a worsening situation.
This is because a stiff knee is simply the body's way of telling you that something might be very wrong with your knee.
It is vital that you pay attention to it and figure out exactly what is wrong with it before continuing with your sport of choice.
(Speak with your physician about your concerns.
) Overstrained muscles and ligaments could also pose a serious problem for anyone who enjoys sports.
Normally, the muscles and ligaments provide support for the knee.
They do this by helping to absorb some of the impact of running or jumping, for example.
This helps to prevent too much pressure being exerted on the knee.
When the muscles and ligaments have been overstrained, however, they are no longer able to perform their function at a high level.
This could lead to impact injuries in the knee or even cause the kneecap to be pulled or shifted out of place.
What To Do If You Have A Stiff Knee Injury The first thing to do is to stop any strenuous activities immediately.
and request information from your doctor.
This includes any activity that involves running, jumping, or walking long distances.
Ceasing the activity that will cause you further problems will prevent you from causing any possible further injury to your knee.
You can then determine if your stiff knee injury is really just due to tired muscles or if it is due to something more serious.
The best thing to do now is to let your knee rest and recover.
While you rest it, you should also seriously consider wearing a knee brace.
A knee brace is an excellent device for helping to prevent further injury in the future.
Currently, these supports are very light weight and affordable, and they can help prevent excessive movements that will cause you further pain or injury.
If it does not go away of its own accord, however, then it is time to consider the possibility that you may have sustained a serious knee injury and to talk about this with your physician.
Knee braces can really help someone in your position with improved knee stability and a reduction in pain.
It is very important to consider a support now, because if you do not then in the future you might look back with regrets.
This conservative treatment method could help you avoid an invasive surgical procedure in the future.

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