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How to Flirt With Women - Good Flirting Tips - Get the Girl of Your Dreams

When you start flirting, it means that you are trying to give out signals that you like someone. Flirting is all about having fun and it is liberating. It's purely harmless but also exhilarating --- especially if the girl you're checking out is flirting right back at you. But how do you flirt exactly? What makes a subtle action flirting? Read on and find out some good flirting tips --- so we can all start the fun!

Flirting makes the person you are talking to feel good and eventually, bring you closer together, but it is so easy to get flirting wrong. To be a good flirt, you must possess self-confidence. Also, you should not be afraid to take risks. Make things happen. Everything is in your hands.

Let's take this step by step. First, be enthusiastic and positive. Nobody wants a pessimistic grumpy date. Hey, you're supposed to be having a good time! Be playful, good-natured, light-hearted and spontaneous. Flirting is no pressure. Let the natural vibes in you do all the work. It's even okay to show your vulnerability. Your soft spot can be considered strength during flirting.

You are trying to open up yourself to your date and chances are she'll do the same. Compliment your flirting partner. The best compliments have the element of surprise. Remember, your compliments must be candid, sincere and genuine.

Be interesting by being interested. People like people who would listen to them when it's their time to talk. Remember, listening is a part of good communication. Always gives them a reason to talk to you. Eye contact is very important; it tells that you are sincere. And it wouldn't hurt if you whisper to your girl. It's intimate but not too obvious. Most importantly, don't forget to be yourself. You will only enjoy when you acting like your normal self, it makes you stay focused and proud of who you really are.

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