How To Promote Your Affiliate Programs With Self Charged Techniques
Did you know that marketing your affiliate program is not as hard as you think it is? When i first started with affiliate marketing i had been frightened by all these internet languages used to describe certain marketing tactics, which put me off and just discouraged me.
Not knowing that most of it is just simple common sense and the only thing was the language used, which i was not familiar with.
Most people even give up when discovering that the methods they were using do not work.
That's why you find that almost 90% of people that join affiliate programs don't make money at all, because they just apply the tactics supplied by the affiliate programs which just don't work.
I'm going to share some effective affiliate marketing techniques that can work wonders for your affiliate marketing campaigns, but only if you apply them.
Believe in the affiliate product you are promoting Believing in the product you want to promote is the first step.
You will not be able to promote a product and expect your visitor to buy it if you don't even believe in it your self.
I mean, you won't even be able to present the product if you have not seen positive results your self.
Your enthusiasm will be loudly reflected by your words.
Most people make a purchase from a given testimonial or personal recommendations.
And in order to communicate directly with your heart, you need confidence in the affiliate product you are marketing.
Personal Endorsement You should get many legitimate words of praise for the program you are marketing.
Your personal endorsement and testimonials will provide your visitor better credibility then any other advertising material you may supply.
Ask your previous customers or upline for feedbacks, so they bring credibility to the product as living testimonies.
So if you are depending on supplying nice banners and pictures, you won't get that much response.
Put the marketing ads in your own hands by supplying attractive ads like" Do you know how to make $200 a day? I'll show you how".
How many times have you been caught by these type of ads? They sure do work.
The use of ezines Reach your prospects through your own ezines.
If you don't publish your own ezine, then you will have to pay someone who does publish ezines to present your marketing message.
Or just buy advertising space for more exposure.
Now, one of the most common way of presenting your message through ezines is the use of classified ads.
They are cheap to buy and can get you good results.
You should place your message near the top of the publication.
The "Sponsor Ads" and "Featured Ads" also carry more credibility and stand out of the rest.
Writing full articles in your ezine First don't forget to use the WIIFM principle when writing the articles in your ezines.
WIIFM stands for "what is in for me".
You should write with your reader's interest in mind.
No body online is interested in your self serving commercials.
Just remember that making money is all about giving people what they need, not what you want.
Study your marketing stats To really focus on your promotion and marketing effects is to study your site logs and stats page.
You can find your stats in your affiliate program back office.
Most affiliate programs provide this service.
While some just supply stats on hits, sign ups and income, its still good information to know although you won't know which ads work best.
If this is the case, then create a redirect page which will be traceable through your site server logs.
To do this is you create a page and link your affiliate program on that page.
Your visitor will first be redirected to that page then from that page to the affiliate program.
Now you will be able to track the number of hits that page gets to track your advertising campaign.
As you see, there are no complicated terms involved in affiliate marketing.
It's just adding a little of common sense, lots of reading, understanding terms and putting the marketing techniques in to use.
It may seem like its lots of work, but if you got this far in marketing, then you can definitely do this.
It all takes practice and then it becomes very simple.
You may never know, maybe you will design your own affiliate marketing techniques just from improving the ones already in use.
So believe in your self and you will definitely succeed.
Not knowing that most of it is just simple common sense and the only thing was the language used, which i was not familiar with.
Most people even give up when discovering that the methods they were using do not work.
That's why you find that almost 90% of people that join affiliate programs don't make money at all, because they just apply the tactics supplied by the affiliate programs which just don't work.
I'm going to share some effective affiliate marketing techniques that can work wonders for your affiliate marketing campaigns, but only if you apply them.
Believe in the affiliate product you are promoting Believing in the product you want to promote is the first step.
You will not be able to promote a product and expect your visitor to buy it if you don't even believe in it your self.
I mean, you won't even be able to present the product if you have not seen positive results your self.
Your enthusiasm will be loudly reflected by your words.
Most people make a purchase from a given testimonial or personal recommendations.
And in order to communicate directly with your heart, you need confidence in the affiliate product you are marketing.
Personal Endorsement You should get many legitimate words of praise for the program you are marketing.
Your personal endorsement and testimonials will provide your visitor better credibility then any other advertising material you may supply.
Ask your previous customers or upline for feedbacks, so they bring credibility to the product as living testimonies.
So if you are depending on supplying nice banners and pictures, you won't get that much response.
Put the marketing ads in your own hands by supplying attractive ads like" Do you know how to make $200 a day? I'll show you how".
How many times have you been caught by these type of ads? They sure do work.
The use of ezines Reach your prospects through your own ezines.
If you don't publish your own ezine, then you will have to pay someone who does publish ezines to present your marketing message.
Or just buy advertising space for more exposure.
Now, one of the most common way of presenting your message through ezines is the use of classified ads.
They are cheap to buy and can get you good results.
You should place your message near the top of the publication.
The "Sponsor Ads" and "Featured Ads" also carry more credibility and stand out of the rest.
Writing full articles in your ezine First don't forget to use the WIIFM principle when writing the articles in your ezines.
WIIFM stands for "what is in for me".
You should write with your reader's interest in mind.
No body online is interested in your self serving commercials.
Just remember that making money is all about giving people what they need, not what you want.
Study your marketing stats To really focus on your promotion and marketing effects is to study your site logs and stats page.
You can find your stats in your affiliate program back office.
Most affiliate programs provide this service.
While some just supply stats on hits, sign ups and income, its still good information to know although you won't know which ads work best.
If this is the case, then create a redirect page which will be traceable through your site server logs.
To do this is you create a page and link your affiliate program on that page.
Your visitor will first be redirected to that page then from that page to the affiliate program.
Now you will be able to track the number of hits that page gets to track your advertising campaign.
As you see, there are no complicated terms involved in affiliate marketing.
It's just adding a little of common sense, lots of reading, understanding terms and putting the marketing techniques in to use.
It may seem like its lots of work, but if you got this far in marketing, then you can definitely do this.
It all takes practice and then it becomes very simple.
You may never know, maybe you will design your own affiliate marketing techniques just from improving the ones already in use.
So believe in your self and you will definitely succeed.