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Final Fantasy XIV Sucks! But What About the New Year?

"As part of the new direction promised, we here on the development and management teams have adopted four new keywords for FINAL FANTASY XIV: fun, live, reboot, and rebuild.
" With these words, from Naoki Yoshida, the new producer/director of Final Fantasy XIV started a new year with new hopes of many Final Fantasy fans.
Final Fantasy is perhaps the greatest RPG ever.
However, the last installment (and the second to be MMO) was not exactly great according to the majority of players, even FF hardcore fans! The game received negative press from everywhere, many Japanese players gave it 1 out of 5 at amazon.
It also received less than 50% in almost all the largest gaming communities,: GameSpot: 4 out of 10 GameSpy: 2 out of 5 GameTrailers: 4.
2 out of 10 PC Gamers US: 30% 1UP: D+ Game Revolution: D That's a huge amount of negative reviews for a game that goes with name "Final Fantasy",and the last weeks of 2010 were 'tumultuous' to Square Enix as Mr.
Naoki Yoshida said.
But now they are undergoing major changes in the development team to save whatever they can save, and to bring a new and better game in 2011.
Now they really have many many things to change in the game if they are serious about making it fun.
Starting from the awkward UI, to improving the battle system.
Not to mention the small things like adding an auction house and adding some other elements to the game play to make it an actual MMORPG, not just some show of high graphics.
Square Eninx also issued a brief questionnaire called "Final Fantasy XIV Player's Poll The First" to give the players a chance to express their views.
It's quite short small, but it contains good points that needs to be modified.
As a Final Fantasy hardcore player, I really hope that the improves with the new year, as I started to get tired of it :P.

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