Depression Is More Than Just Feeling Blue
I suffered from depression for over 11 years.
Until I was diagnosed, I had no clue what the symptoms are.
Even though the symptoms are listed everywhere, to actually read how they affected someone personally may be helpful.
It may seem unnecessary to some, but I didn't realize what was going on with me until I was asked the following questions: Do you have persistent sad, anxious or "empty" feelings?
He/she may be suffering from depression.
Until I was diagnosed, I had no clue what the symptoms are.
Even though the symptoms are listed everywhere, to actually read how they affected someone personally may be helpful.
It may seem unnecessary to some, but I didn't realize what was going on with me until I was asked the following questions: Do you have persistent sad, anxious or "empty" feelings?
Yes! I felt the emptiest I had ever felt in my life.Do you have feelings of hopelessness and/or pessimism?
I mean, have very low self-esteem, it was easy to feel empty, But I had never felt anything like the emptiness I experienced.
Yes! All positive feelings had left me.Do you have feelings of guilt, worthlessness and/or helplessness?
Once again, having a very low opinion of myself already, it didn't take much to feel more pessimistic.
Yes! I felt guilty about almost everything in my life: family, friends, work.Do you feel irritable or restless?
It seemed as though I had abandoned every aspect of my life, even though, in reality, nothing was really different.
Yes! I felt very restless because I worried about everything even more.Do you feel a loss of interest in activities or hobbies once pleasurable, including sex?
I became very afraid of "screwing up" at work and doing things like driving.
Yes! The sex part wasn't an issue because I'm not married.Do you experience fatigue and decreased energy?
If I was, nothing would have been happening.
Everything else went out the window.
All I wanted to do was stay in bed.
Literally, stay in bed.
That created more guilt; I wanted to stay in bed so I could dwell on the guilt.
Yes! I didn't feel like doing anything.Do you have difficulty concentrating, remembering details, and making decisions?
Everything was a struggle, from taking a shower to going to work.
Yes! My concentration was completely gone.Do you have insomnia, early-morning wakefulness, or excessive sleeping?
My mind was going a million miles an hour on everything related to depression.
Some of the decisions, which I prefer to call choices, I made were awful.
I thought they would make me feel better, but ultimately, they created more stress.
Yes! I couldn't sleep at all.Are you overeating or have appetite loss?
I worried about how the lack of sleep was going to affect everything else in my life, so I created a vicious circle: not sleeping because I dwelled on not sleeping.
Yes! I had total appetite loss.Do you have thoughts of suicide or suicide attempts?
So much so that I lost 40 pounds over a 3-month period.
I don't know how I kept any strength, but I obviously took in enough nourishment to function every day.
Yes! Suicidal thoughts persisted as my depression dragged on.Do you have persistent aches or pains, headaches, cramps, or digestive problems that do not ease, even with treatment?
I did have a plan in my head, but I never went through with it.
Even though I didn't recognize it at the time, there was a shred of self-worth left in me.
Now, I believe that was God letting me know that He had work for me to do.
Yes! I developed persistent headaches that were probably caused by the additional stress that I placed on myself.If you know someone who is experiencing any or all of these symptoms, and the symptoms have lasted 2 weeks or more, it would be wise to seek help from a qualified medical professional.
Because I wasn't eating, my digestive system was a total disaster.
He/she may be suffering from depression.