Society & Culture & Entertainment Games

Xbox 360 Error Code E74 - Eliminate the Problem Forever

So you're trying to figure out how to repair the Xbox 360 error code E74 by yourself.
I can help you out with this, seeing as I've fixed dozens of consoles with this exact problem.
I am going to highlight for you the benefits of doing the repairs yourself.
If you're not comfortable with doing it yourself also let you know the steps you have to take to have the Xbox 360 error code E74 repaired by Microsoft.
I've had friends come to me and tell me because of the Xbox 360 error code E74 that they were just going to go out and buy a new console.
I've convinced every single one of them to change their minds by explaining to them how easy it was to repair on your own.
You may be wondering why my friends would choose buying a new system over sending it in to Microsoft for repairs.
If your Xbox 360 is still under warranty sending it into Microsoft is is a reasonable option.
Sure, it may take them two months to repair your 360 but at least you don't have to pay.
On the other hand, if your warranty is no longer you will still have to wait the two months for repairs, and you will have to pay upwards of $150.
So you see many people would rather just buy a new system considering the costs involved, and this way at least they do not have to wait the two months.
When I repaired my first Xbox 360 error code E74 it was on my own personal system.
The funny thing is my console was still under warranty.
I was just not willing to wait the two months that it was going to take to get my Xbox 360 back.
I think that Microsoft's policies are ludicrous, and I think that one would have to be insane to follow along with their obscene ways.
Which brings me to repairing the Xbox 360 error code E74 at home.
If you can get your hands on a detailed enough repair guide it is truly simple enough for anybody to make the repairs on their own.
I'm talking, even if you don't know how to program your remote control you should be able to do the repairs anyways.
The best part about the repairs is that they can be performed in under two hours, and even better they are permanent.
Think about it in the amount of time it would actually take you to call up Microsoft and just make the preparations to send in your Xbox 360 you could be halfway finished fixing it and having it ready to go before the end of the day.

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