Family & Relationships Conflict

Getting Over Your Ex - 4 Things You Don"t Want to Hear

Sometimes, the things your partner says can give you a heads up on what's about to come.
Is the relationship about to take a turn for the worse? They can also help you prevent breakups, or at least, prepare you for the worst.
It will give you a pretty good idea on what's about to happen in your relationship.
I Love You...
There aren't suppose to be any "buts" in a relationship, right? Wrong.
Something led to this breakup, something happened that made one or both of you say enough.
It's possible that you still love each other.
But it's also possible that at the moment, love is not enough to keep you two together.
It doesn't matter whether you got dumped or did the dumping.
To help you get over your ex, you need to accept the fact that even lovers need time apart from each other.
You love each other, but right now, a little distance is what you both need to heal.
It's not You, It's Me Whether this phrase is a lie or not, it doesn't necessarily ease the pain.
It does, however, offer a small comfort in knowing that your ex doesn't blame you for what happened.
Of course, it could just be his/her way of making things easier for you, lessen the pain a bit.
But that doesn't mean you should blame your ex.
It takes two for a relationship to work and fail.
Whether it's your fault or not, you need to forgive each other in order to move on.
We Need to Talk These are probably the four most dreaded words in the English language.
It usually signifies that the end is near, in this case, the end of the relationship.
But as much as it pains you, try not to think of it as truly the end.
Once you get over the initial shock of the breakup, things are bound to get better.
Focus on making yourself emotionally stronger.
Getting over your ex takes time, so take as much time as you need.
I Have Someone Else Talk about a slap to the face! Then again, this phrase will actually help you move on and get over your ex.
It's the surest sign that things are over and not worth fighting for anymore.
Your ex has moved, he/she has someone else in his/her life.
Now you know it's truly over, and maybe now you can begin healing since there's nothing else to hold on to.

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