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A Short History Of Bahamas Property For Sale

Christopher Columbus made his first landfall in the new world in 1492 on an island of this nation where BAHAMAS PROPERTY FOR SALE is available for purchase. Even though Spain never did colonize these islands, the native population of over 30,000 was taken to the island of Hispanolia nearby as slave labor at the mines there. Lacking immunity to smallpox and other diseases and working under harsh conditions they all subsequently died. Their home islands remained uninhabited until settled by British Puritans in 1648.

Even though previous attempts to settle here failed, those Eleutherian Adventurers succeeded in eking out a living through salvaging cargo from wrecked ships. This 100,000 square mile (311,0000 KM2) area, including seven hundred atols and cays and almost 2,400 islets and their countless coves and shallow water bays, lay nearby shipping routes making it an ideal haven and hiding place for pirates. Most notable of these being the pirate Blackbeard.

By 1718 this area became a British Crown Colony with the objective of eradicating the pirates. When the United States of America finally won their war for independence from Great Britain in 1783 about 7,300 Americans loyal to the Crown moved with their African slaves to these islands and set up plantations there.

By 1807 Britain had abolished the slave trade. Its Royal Navy subsequently liberated many thousands of Africans from slave ships and forcibly settled them on the islands.

The population since then has remained approximately eighty-five percent of African descent and twelve percent European. This nation is the wealthiest in the world composed mostly of blacks. In the Americas it is the third wealthiest nation behind only the United States and Canada.

The islands began to prosper during the 1950's. The takeover of Cuba by Castro and the Communists in 1959, and the confiscation and nationalization of American tourist assets there resulted in destruction of that industry in Cuba and handed it to the nearby Bahamians. Today tourism accounts for about 60% of the nation's Gross domestic Product.

The shrewd government has eliminated the disincentives from conducting financial transactions that exist in many places. In response foreign banks, many of them Canadian, have moved operations here. Additional reforms are planned. Many citizens of other countries have deposits here because of the privacy and favorable terms provided. Today offshore finance makes up about 15% of GDP.

Expatriots from the US and other countries seek BAHAMAS PROPERTY FOR SALE and reside here. One reason for this is the fact that there are no income, capital gains, corporate, wealth, or VAT taxes here.

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