Family & Relationships Weddings

Proposal Ideas

You're in love and now have a greater understanding of what cut, colour, clarity and carat weight means when it comes to diamonds. Now you have finished agonizing over the ring and have it in your hand, the next panic fit comes along and now you start to stress about how you are going to propose.

The 1st idea that pops into your head possibly goes along the lines of, I love you, you like me so why don't we get married, and then you give your lover her ring.

If both of you actually love one another the answer will probably still be yes but women dream of that perfect marriage proposal so you need to think about what your fiancé would like. Get out the dictionary and look up the word romantic, yes a marriage proposal needs to be romantic and memorable. This is a moment that you will not be able to include in your wedding video to be played over and over and it must be something that'll be etched in your fiancé's mind for evermore. Apart from the wedding ceremony when you both say 'I do', this will doubtless be the most romantic day of your relationship so far and you want to make it as special as possible.

There are some wonderful stories about the enormous lengths that some men have gone to when proposing and although the budget may not stretch that far in a few cases ; these can provide you with some inspiration to help be creative. Before settling on any explicit concept it is imperative that you consider your fiancés personal preferences. Proposing in the middle of Time Square with 'will you marry me' flashing on each poster advertisement while you kneel down, could be the most romantic idea for some girls ; some like a more intimate environment.

Here are just a few concepts that may hopefully get you on the path to making that special moment for the one that you love.

If you're both art lovers and visit galleries frequently then try and ask your favourite gallery owner to help out. Make a customised marriage proposal message, have it framed and when you next visit make sure that it is displayed for everyone to see. This is bound to get you a big yes.

One of the most romantic settings to pop the big question is while having a picnic somewhere that you have prepared, that somewhere always helps if it is floating above the earth in a hot air balloon.
If your financial position permits you might get a farmer to cut your proposal message in their field and as you float over in the balloon you can point down and pop the question. That is a memory that both of your will love for your entire lives.

Although many of these do call for a tiny bit of cost, the memories will last forever. One final proposal tip that always wins the day, ( if you can remember where ) is to propose in the 1st restaurant that you went out on a date. Chat to the owner ahead and they are going to be more than happy to offer you a secluded corner with the lights dimmed.

When proposing always remember that even though the ring is a prerequisite, the way that you go about proposing will make you bigger points than the size or cost of the diamond. After all weddings and engagements are all about love and romance. Just be sure to be as romantic as possible as this moment will never be caught by your wedding videographer and you need to make it as memorable as possible.

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