Society & Culture & Entertainment Education

The Amazing Canadian Geese

One of the most well known species of bird in North American is the Canadian Geese.
These birds are most commonly found in Canada and the Northern United States, but have naturally migrated to other areas of the world as well, including Japan, China, Great Britain, Scandinavia, and the Netherlands.
These soaring birds are easy to discern from other birds, due to their distinctive call as they fly through the air in their V-shaped flying formation.
What does a Canadian goose look like? Canadian geese are known for their black heads and necks with a white strap of feathers around the chin.
They are quite large for birds and are approximately 30 to 40 inches long and have an amazing 50 to 71 inch wingspan.
They live comparatively longer than other birds, with an average life span of anywhere between 10 to 24 years.
These birds are known for their migratory patterns as they travel to warmer areas during the cold, winter months.
Migrating Canadian geese are what many people remember about this bird during their childhood years.
Watching the geese fly in their tight V-shaped formation as they made their way north or south, depending upon the season, was a sign that a new season was about to begin.
Some of this migration has changed, however, due to the major changes in our weather, mostly due to global warming.
In some parts of the Northern United States, the Canadian goose does not migrate at all anymore, simply because the weather does not get as severe as it did a few decades ago.
Other things have affected the migratory patterns of the geese as well.
Other things that are affected the path that the geese take when they are migrating include changes in habitat and availability of food sources.
For example, many of the predators that the geese had to deal with in the Pacific Northwest have caused many of the Canadian geese do not migrate at all.
Many of the geese and goslings do not travel as far south as they did in years past, simply because they are more able to find food, such as waste wheat, during the fall and winter months.
This change in their migratory path and their migration pattern in general have caused some problems in that the geese overgraze grassy areas and they eat crops, which is both a nuisance and a problem for humans.
Flocks of geese are known for flying in a V-shaped formation when they are migrating.
This is due to the fact that they are traveling a long distance and this formation helps break up the wind for all but the front bird, so that they can fly with less wind resistance.
If you were able to watch the geese for a long period of time, you will see that they change the front flyer to keep this bird from getting overtired.
Another reason for the V-formation is that this allows them all to see each other and communicate, so that they can determine where they want to land, etc.
The Canadian geese are very loyal to their flock, just as they are to their mate.
The Canadian goose mates for life.
These geese take care of their goslings together and watch over each other for the duration of their lives.
If one becomes injured, the healthy one will stay with the injured one until it recovers or dies.
If it dies, a goose may take another partner, but in some cases, they simply find a flock to fly with and do not find another mate.
They are very devoted to each other and geese tend to mourn after their mates death, just as we do.
The Canadian goose is a very interesting and complex bird.
By learning more about how they function, we can better appreciate their gift to society and the world in general.

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