Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

Why Your Dog Should Have a Healthy Diet

Our dogs are quickly following in the footsteps of their human companions in consuming a junk food diet.
It is estimated that around 30% of dogs in the United States are obese.
There is no strange coincidence that overweight people own obese dogs while healthy fit people own slim healthy dogs.
The old adage of you are what you eat holds true for dogs as well.
The most important reason your dog needs a healthy diet and life style is obesity.
Like their human owners, obesity in dogs can lead to the same afflictions such as diabetes, heart disease, and joint pain.
While exercise is vital to good health if your dogs diet remains the same then the effort may be for not.
Three basic issues, table scrapes, improper portions, and a lack of exercise cause dog obesity.
The first thing to understand is that your dog's digestive system is not the same as yours.
Foods you eat do not react the same in pets; in fact, some of them are toxic to dogs.
Most dog owners know chocolate can be deadly but did you also know onions and garlic fall in the same category.
Chicken bones can splinter and tear the inside of their throat..
The cheap inexpensive commercial dog food contains mostly filler all of which contribute to weight gain and none of which provide any nutritional benefit.
Couple this with most pet owners just filling the dog bowl when comes to feeding time with no regard to the correct amount and you have just increased their chances for obesity exponentially.
Investing in an all-natural dog food given in the correct amount coupled with plenty of exercise will reduce your dogs' weight curving their chances for obesity and the bonus, pet owners benefit from increased activity themselves.
Skin and coat are another reason for a healthy diet for your dog.
Have you ever noticed some people just do not look healthy? Their skin is pale and off colored maybe blotchy, well the same is true for dogs.
Improper diet reflects in coat color, texture, and overall sheen; their fur is dull looking and course in texture.
Their skin has irritations that cause itching and in some severe cases, the fur just falls out.
Dogs that eat well with highly nutritious dog food have a shiny coat with vibrant colors and soft texture.
Their skin is bright pink with no signs of irritation.
Lastly, dogs that consume a healthy diet live longer.
Several breeders and veterinarians state that dogs eating an organic dog food diet have less disease and live longer happier lives well into their senior years.
With this result we all benefit from our dogs on healthy diets, we save on vet bills and have the opportunity to spend more time with our four-legged family members.
Let us reverse the trend and help our dogs shed the gain, live longer and look better with providing a healthy diet.
Remember that we speak for our dogs, they will eat whatever we give them so make it nutritional dog food and forget that pizza crust or French fry.
Get up, get out that dog leash, and take your dog for a walk.
A brisk walk for 30 minutes a day and you will cover almost two miles...
great for the dog as well their human companions.

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