Accordion Service
Accordion Service is the place to have your accordion repairs and midi system installations done. With over 30 years experience in accordion repairs you can be sure your accordion will be treated with the utmost care. There's just about nothing that can't be done for your accordion.
Here is a list of repairs that Accordion Service can do for you. Accordion Service can replace base, shoulder and bellows straps, bellows taping, bellows corners, pads, valves, reeds, key tops, back pad and many other parts. Accordion Service can weld your broken key stem, repair a cracked body, replace microphones or install a new mic system, etc. Old school tuning done the way of the master craftsmen in Castelfidardo Italy. Leon Zukowski who tuned accordions over 20 years for Accordion International taught us how to tune reeds. Here is a tip for you ...never use or let anyone use a dremmel grinder on your accordion reeds. I use high quality reed stock to repace broken reeds.
Midi System installation, repairs and tuning service. Have your accordion customized with a midi system. Select from my own custom designed system or a prefab Musictech kit. I am the only service to offer a custom midi system that can be installed into any accordion. Customization can include a volume control for midi channel 1 right side, 2 chords and 3 bass. Additionally it can have bellows pressure controlled volume. The controls can be installed on the front grill or in a small box panel that can mount on the grill. The price for a basic midi system starts at $1000.00. It takes from 3 to 6 weeks to install depending on the details of the work order.
I have been repairing accordions for over 30 years and I tune reeds the old school master way. I can repair your electronic accordion too. I have serviced many accordion brands. I am the only accordion service person in the USA that can repair both electronic and acoustic accordion problems. I am an authorized repair tech for Roland, Yamaha, Orla, Iorio, SEM, Musictech and many other brands.
Accordion Service has repaired hundreds of accordions. Here is a short list of brands. Guerrini, Giulietti, Hohner, Bell, Titano, Gabbanelli, Petosa, Excelsior, Beltuna, Tyrolean, Zupon, Strasser,Palo Soprani, Pancordion, Stradovox, Weltmeister, Nunzio, Crucianelli, Philharmonic, Scandalli, Roland, Orlavox, Ciao, SEM, Musictech, Iorio, Elkavox, Cordovox ...ok that enough?
Please contact us with your questions about a midi system or repairs to your accordion, sound module, keyboard or amplifier. Email us at
Here is a list of repairs that Accordion Service can do for you. Accordion Service can replace base, shoulder and bellows straps, bellows taping, bellows corners, pads, valves, reeds, key tops, back pad and many other parts. Accordion Service can weld your broken key stem, repair a cracked body, replace microphones or install a new mic system, etc. Old school tuning done the way of the master craftsmen in Castelfidardo Italy. Leon Zukowski who tuned accordions over 20 years for Accordion International taught us how to tune reeds. Here is a tip for you ...never use or let anyone use a dremmel grinder on your accordion reeds. I use high quality reed stock to repace broken reeds.
Midi System installation, repairs and tuning service. Have your accordion customized with a midi system. Select from my own custom designed system or a prefab Musictech kit. I am the only service to offer a custom midi system that can be installed into any accordion. Customization can include a volume control for midi channel 1 right side, 2 chords and 3 bass. Additionally it can have bellows pressure controlled volume. The controls can be installed on the front grill or in a small box panel that can mount on the grill. The price for a basic midi system starts at $1000.00. It takes from 3 to 6 weeks to install depending on the details of the work order.
I have been repairing accordions for over 30 years and I tune reeds the old school master way. I can repair your electronic accordion too. I have serviced many accordion brands. I am the only accordion service person in the USA that can repair both electronic and acoustic accordion problems. I am an authorized repair tech for Roland, Yamaha, Orla, Iorio, SEM, Musictech and many other brands.
Accordion Service has repaired hundreds of accordions. Here is a short list of brands. Guerrini, Giulietti, Hohner, Bell, Titano, Gabbanelli, Petosa, Excelsior, Beltuna, Tyrolean, Zupon, Strasser,Palo Soprani, Pancordion, Stradovox, Weltmeister, Nunzio, Crucianelli, Philharmonic, Scandalli, Roland, Orlavox, Ciao, SEM, Musictech, Iorio, Elkavox, Cordovox ...ok that enough?
Please contact us with your questions about a midi system or repairs to your accordion, sound module, keyboard or amplifier. Email us at