Marty Martino - Beloved Figure Skating Coach Passed Away on March 1, 2009
In this photo Marty Martino is shown with his last little ice skating competitor, Hannah Johnson.
Marty Martino coached figure skating for over forty years. He died suddenly on March 1, 2009. He was 71 years old at the time of his death. He died surrounded by his ice skating students, who cried and laughed as they shared many "Marty" stories. One of his students commented that it was beautiful that a man who never married was in a room full of women who loved him during his final moments.
From Hannah Johnson - March, 2009:
Marty Martino coached figure skating for over forty years. He died suddenly on March 1, 2009. He was 71 years old at the time of his death. He died surrounded by his ice skating students, who cried and laughed as they shared many "Marty" stories. One of his students commented that it was beautiful that a man who never married was in a room full of women who loved him during his final moments.
From Hannah Johnson - March, 2009:
- 'I am so sorry for the loss of my beloved coach and mentor Marty Martino. I loved him with all my heart and will miss him the rest of my life.
He always displayed his love for me and my mom everytime we saw him, which was 3 times a week for skating lessons. Marty made me feel like I was the most beautiful and important little girl in the world. He always gave me a great big smile and a bear hug at the end of my lessons.
I will miss his "pet" names for me, the most endearing of which was "zippy".
I will strive for the rest of my life to honor Marty's memory by being the best I can be at everything I try to do. I am so thankful that I was at his bedside and was able to give him one last smile and a great big hug! I know that he will be watching me from heaven.'