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How to Mingle With Guys at a Party and Get a Wingman

Have a Relatable Opening Line There's really no line to use on your fellow men, but the easiest one is to just throw an expression of how you feel at the moment to them.
Trust me, it's going to be weird if you walked up to another guy and said "Hi, I'm Troy.
" They might think you're hitting on them or something and run or shy away.
So, 99% of the time I'll either make a remark or in some cases, even complain.
I usually say "man, there are like zero chicks here" or "are we lucky or what? Look at all the beautiful women!" Now you may also say "man, the beers are really cheap here I'm glad I showed up" or "Isn't the (NAME - the host of this party) the coolest bro ever?" or "man I wish everybody would just strip down and jump on the pool.
That would be fun times.
" II.
Use terms like man, bro, brotha, or dude Here's a quick disclaimer: don't overdo them and try minimizing these words in your introduction.
Overdoing them will make you sound creepy and will make your future wingman run away.
Just come up with "hey man, what's the occasion here? Cool.
Hey I'm Troy, what's yours?" and that's it.
If they happen to use bro more, and maybe in a couple of drinks call you "Partna!" then hey feel free to use your favorite bro code line.
Team Up and rule the party! If you do step 1 and 2 right, the next logical thing to do is to team up! Say, "lets go meet some girls man!" or "let's go hit the dance floor and mingle!" or "let's go grab some drinks and introduce ourselves to those chicks!" This is the easiest way to mingle with guys at parties and befriend them.

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