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How to Overcome Being Shy With Girls - 3 Effective Strategies That Really Work

I know the feeling.
You come face to face with a pretty girl you fancy and zilch!...
cat got your tongue, or even worse, you behave and speak things like an extraterrestrial being from mars.
Pretty girl blows you off and walks away thinking "what a weirdo"...
Don't cry, I see a light at the end of the tunnel...
there is hope.
You can learn how to overcome being shy with girls.
simple, by conquering your own shyness first.
Here are 3 tips to help you get started.
Practice with girls who aren't as threatening as the ones you fancy.
To build up your confidence and sharpen your skills, start by talking to girls who aren't as threatening as the ones you fancy.
It is easier this way since you won't be asking them out.
Go to public places like libraries, cafes, shops or even hair salons that have women serving (WARNING!...
Just talk to them.
If a girl serves you at a clothes shop, ask her whether a particular shirt suits you.
When you go to a coffee shop and a woman serves you, just ask her how business is because of the recession or something.
Anything where you can talk to women and strike up a simple short conversation.
start there, and your confidence will grow.
Be yourself and look for girls with common interests.
Birds of the same feather flock together.
What are your interests? hobbies? what are you passionate about? are you into music? games? art? what course are you doing in college? The idea here is talking to a girl with whom you share some common interest.
This way there's something to talk about that interests you both.
Plus, You get to sharpen your skills (am not suggesting you become Casanova...
I mean your social skills) and possibly form a friendship that could go way beyond building your confidence.
It could be college, in a class full of people with the same hobbies or you could join a club, french lessons, dancing class, anything where you can interact with people with the same interests.
keep in mind, its not about finding a date...
its about sharpening your social skills, building your confidence with girls/women and making Friends.
If it so happens that you start dating from there on, then prob-lemo solved.
Grab the bull by the horns - face your fears.
Many people go through life preparing to live instead of living life.
Likewise, you can read all the techniques that show how to overcome being shy but if you don't act on them they won't work.
So, you need to face situations that make you nervous.
Just do it regardless of the outcome, if you get rejected, people laugh or you mess up, so what.
There ain't no success without failure...
Rejection, humiliation and mistakes are a part of life...
get used to it.
More important than a painful experience is the meaning you give it and what you learn from it (best to see things in a positive light).
Start small though, by talking more (and openly) with people you are comfortable with, and then push yourself into riskier, scarier situations.
People will be more proud of you for trying and screwing up than never trying at all.
Courage is a good thing.
Also, you'll get better as you go along.
Shyness is 100% normal and natural.

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