Protein Shake Weight Loss
Protein shake weight loss diets seem to be everywhere these days. Whether you want to lose weight, gain weight, or maintain your weight you cannot discount the importance of protein. That's why I would like to share some information I've learned about protein diets.
Protein is made up of 22 amino acids, which are commonly called the building blocks of life. It is stored in muscle and organs and is used to build and repair tissue as well as producing enzymes and hormones. Quite honestly your body cannot survive without protein. Considered a "macronutrient", which means a nutrient the body needs in large quantities. The Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences states that our daily protein requirements should be 10% to 35% of our total caloric intake with women needing slightly less than men. Without enough protein your body can lose muscle mass, experience decreased immunity, and weakening of the heart and respiratory system.
I believe that any diet you use must have enough protein in it to do any good at all. If you do not get enough protein you are much less likely to achieve your long term weight loss goals and may actually damage your body. That's why I think starvation diets are so ineffective and dangerous.
A lot of people also get caught up with "fat free" foods also. Some of these foods can actually make you gain weight! Fat free foods are not always low calorie foods and sometimes contain a lot of calories from carbohydrates and sugars, which the body converts to the very thing you are trying to cut back on, FAT! Your body also needs some fat. A good diet will incorporate good fats like the ones found in fish oil and olive oil.
All in all there are some really good protein shake weight loss diets on the market today. The most important thing to do is get as much information as you can to find the right one for you.
Here are some links where you can find the diet plan I am using.
Protein Shakes for Weight Loss
The Good Health Store at Herbal Health Network
Great Shape Today
Protein is made up of 22 amino acids, which are commonly called the building blocks of life. It is stored in muscle and organs and is used to build and repair tissue as well as producing enzymes and hormones. Quite honestly your body cannot survive without protein. Considered a "macronutrient", which means a nutrient the body needs in large quantities. The Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences states that our daily protein requirements should be 10% to 35% of our total caloric intake with women needing slightly less than men. Without enough protein your body can lose muscle mass, experience decreased immunity, and weakening of the heart and respiratory system.
I believe that any diet you use must have enough protein in it to do any good at all. If you do not get enough protein you are much less likely to achieve your long term weight loss goals and may actually damage your body. That's why I think starvation diets are so ineffective and dangerous.
A lot of people also get caught up with "fat free" foods also. Some of these foods can actually make you gain weight! Fat free foods are not always low calorie foods and sometimes contain a lot of calories from carbohydrates and sugars, which the body converts to the very thing you are trying to cut back on, FAT! Your body also needs some fat. A good diet will incorporate good fats like the ones found in fish oil and olive oil.
All in all there are some really good protein shake weight loss diets on the market today. The most important thing to do is get as much information as you can to find the right one for you.
Here are some links where you can find the diet plan I am using.
Protein Shakes for Weight Loss
The Good Health Store at Herbal Health Network
Great Shape Today