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Landscaping Edging Materials


    • Available in rolls, fake stones and bricks, plastic landscape edging installs in different ways and creates different visual appearances. In roll form, plastic landscape edging provides a more utilitarian purpose and can appear less attractive than other edging materials.

    Metal and Aluminum

    • Available in rolls, metal or aluminum landscape edging distinguishes the lines between yards and gardens, and drives or walkways to prevent paving materials or mulch from spreading. While durable and cost effective, metal and aluminum landscape edging does not provide the most attractive landscape borders.

    Brick and Stone

    • Brick and stone provide edging materials that are easier to blend into an existing landscape. These durable materials match with any exterior home siding and may be dry-laid into trenches or mortared to create short walls.


    • Though wood landscape edging breaks down and requires eventual replacement, this rustic edging material blends into existing landscapes and matches most home exteriors. Available in cut boards or natural landscape timbers, wood edging should receive weather treating before use.


    • Formed concrete provides the most expensive and time consuming landscape edging to install but lasts significantly longer than any other type of edging. Concrete edging should be carefully drawn and marked out before excavation and pouring begins.

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