Home & Garden Cleaning & Laundry

Gearbox Removal Tips

    Use The Proper Tools

    • When you're removing the gearbox from the automobile, it's extremely important to use the designated tools designed specifically to fit the screws, lug nuts and bolts to prevent further damage to inner workings of the unit. To perform the removal task, you're going to need full socket, wrench and screwdriver sets along with a pair of needle nose pliers and a breaker bar.

    Use Transmission Jack Supports

    • Because transmissions are delicate and tend to weigh immense amounts, it's important to be as safe as possible when you're removing the transmission. Make sure to use the transmission jacks to support the weight of the transmission. This will also make it easier to slide the transmission to the rear out of the vehicle and past the bell housing.

    Read The Owner's Manual

    • It's important to research your vehicle's transmission removal guide located in the your automobiles owners manual because certain instructions may change with the specifications of your vehicles year, make and model. For instance, your owner's manual will give you specific instructions on how to raise your vehicle and where to place the jack stand supports underneath the frame or axles.

    Protect the Propeller Joints

    • It is extremely important that you not let propeller shaft fall into joints. If this happens, it will damage the joints and the rubber sleeve protecting it. These joints are not only expensive and time consuming to replace but are a main components of the inner workings of the transmission. If the joints are damaged even slightly, the transmission will not operate properly.

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