Business & Finance Social Media

Social Bookmarking: What Is There To Expect

There are a lot of pros and cons to the concept of social bookmarking.
It is an excellent way of finding lots of wonderful information, but the masses are not consistently very picky about what they recommend, so there is often a lot of pop clutter and virtual muddle.
On social bookmarking sites where they users are allowed to comment on the site recommendations, many tend to make quick assumptions and judgments, and are not always genial.
Some are illiterate and act savage, but others are intelligent and gentle in their recommendations, opinions, and attitudes about submitted articles.
Sometimes, the comments are even more interesting than the recommended article, and other times, it's a war zone as people argue over issues related or not to the original recommended article.
It's a wide open play field.
Some social bookmarking services allow submissions to be categorized, so one can quickly and easily filter out only posts related to specific topics.
Others are a bit of free for all.
Some are very exclusive and only permit specific types and categories of posts.
There are now over 100 different social bookmarking services out there on myriad topics in dozens of languages.
Not everyone uses only one service either, so test drive the various options to find the one you enjoy using the most.
The growth in social bookmarking services has risen incredibly and keeps on skyrocketing at present.
Everyone has an opinion and everyone wants others to know it.
This is another way the network of online users has a say in what information should be of interest to others.
Does social bookmarking really work in the way it was envisioned to work? I think the time is not yet ripe for us to see if this will work over the long run, but it certainly opens up networking and communications around the world, with everyone having an opinion that hopefully counts.
I also see it creating online communities, where people from all over the world find commonality through site recommendations and comments.
It's helping build the social Web of the future.

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