Cars & Vehicles Motorcycles

Motorcycle Expandable Wings: Time to Fly

Japanese Motorcycle Street race bikes or crotch rockets as they are commonly called are indeed in a World of their own.
For those who are proficient riders they know that you are one with the balance of all forces when riding or racing.
But what if we could take all that technology and bring it up a notch, as in take it to another level; making a motorcycle fly? Did you know that many experimental aircraft use motorcycle components in them? Do you know why? Well look at the raced out performance lightweight parts they use sometime and it is completely evident why.
Now then NASA did a really interesting experiment with an unmanned aerial vehicle which they dropped out of an aircraft and it had expandable wings, which unfolded using a couple of compressed canisters.
So, the wings supported this little aircraft, which means we could do the same thing using a special valve and the hot exhaust of the motorcycles muffler.
Once the wing has been expanded it is time to fly! All you would need is a propeller adapter and a few flying lessons and you are good to go.
Imagine getting pulled over by the cops and then saying, I don't think so and literally flying away to avoid a speeding ticket? Maybe someday in the future it might all be possible, of course then they might want to run your pilots license to see it is suspended?

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