Business & Finance Advertising & sales & Marketing

5 Ways to Get More Out of Your Advertising, All the Time

Advertising is the next most important factor for businesses, after sales.
Most of the time though, the way businesses advertise is ineffective.
Advertising must focus on the audience, offering them a desired benefit in return for using you or for visiting your store and web site.
If the advertisement generates a response, it helps the business grow by eventually generating sales.
It also, ignites a response and provides a mean for measuring the effectiveness of the advertisement and an opportunity to give your consumers a special offer.
I am amazed when I see ads that don't include an offer of some type.
Be sure to include something irresistible so buyers would feel crazy to refuse.
Here are a few ideas: Set Yourself Apart.
Distinguish your business from your competitors' by addressing an obvious void in the marketplace that only you can fill.
Set the criteria by which your prospects make a buying decision.
Craftily define the criteria for buying, so your product is the only one that qualifies.
By telling your prospects what they should look for when they buy-or telling them what to avoid--you become their trusted advisor.
They believe you have their best interests at heart, so they are more likely to buy your product instead of your competitions'.
Offer a Bonus.
Bonuses are additional exclusive offers you provide as incentives.
Whether it is coupon, discount, extended warranty, or an additional product or service piled on top of the basic purchase, it can only persuade and increase sales.
You could also make deals with other businesses by offering their products to your customers or prospects.
Offer a Premium.
Using premiums is a great way to make shopping fun and a very good reason for people to come in and browse.
A premium is what you give away as a free gift to someone who comes in or who makes a purchase.
By adding this incentive you increase your average response.
In some cases, you may "sell" the desirability of the premium and "throw in" your product.
For example, Sports Illustrated sells "sports bloopers" videotapes and adds a magazine subscription.
Include a Clear Call to Action.
Keep the offer message simple and direct.
Tell them exactly what to do, why to do it, what benefits they'll gain from taking action and what consequences will result if they delay.
Go to our website now! Schedule a consultation! Call now! Visit our store! Order now! Set a firm deadline when the promotional offer ends.
If your prospects believe an offer is going to last forever, there's no reason to take action.
Reverse Customers' Risk.
Another component of a powerful offer is to make your deal as risk-free as possible.
Incur the risk by offering a full refund or guarantee part of the transaction or purchase if the customer is not satisfied.
Shouldering the burden by removing the uncertainty from the customer results in higher and quicker sales; don't worry because most return rates drop the longer the guarantee is extended.
Most businesses aren't addressing the marketplace's nervousness about buying; this will give you an advantage if you do.
What are you doing to inspire customers to contact you?

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