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Pepper Spray and New York Law


    • Anyone with a felony record may not purchase pepper spray in New York.hands in meeting image by timur1970 from

      In order to purchase pepper spray in New York you must be at least 18 years of age and have no record of felony or assault convictions either in New York, or another state. You may only buy pepper spray in New York from a fully licensed firearms dealer or from a pharmacist who has a permit to sell it. Before finalizing a purchase of pepper spray, you must fill out a form indicating that you are of legal age and are free of felony convictions. The total number of pepper spray canisters that can be sold to one person at one time is two.



    • It is only legal to carry pepper spray in New York if the canister is pocket-sized. Each canister must have a label on it indicating that the spray is for self-defense purposes only. Although it is legal to carry pepper spray in New York, it must be purchased within the state. It is illegal to mail pepper spray from another city, state or country into New York.

    NY Department Of Health

    • The New York Department of Health places regulations on exactly what types of self-defense pepper spray can be sold in the state. The active ingredient in any canister of legal pepper spray must be oleo-resin capsicum. The maximum net weight of any canister is 3/4oz. Furthermore, the canister itself may not appear to be anything but pepper spray. Disguising it to look like something else is a criminal offense.

    Animal Sprays

    • Bear repellents carry different regulations than other pepper sprays.Bear image by Day from

      While it is illegal to mail or bring pepper spray into New York from another area, certain types of animal pepper sprays, or animal repellents, are legal to ship and transport--including dog and bear pepper sprays. Unlike traditional pepper spray, these sprays may be purchased online and do not require a criminal background check. You need not purchase animal pepper sprays in New York from a licensed firearms dealer or pharmacy.

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