Give and You Shall Receive - Seed Money
Giving is the secret to keeping money, success, health, love and happiness circulating in your life.
If you're lacking anything, whether it is money, guidance, love, or anything else, something is blocking the flow.
And the most effective way to remove the block is to start giving.
There is an established spiritual law that the more you give, the more you will receive.
The "Law of Tenfold Return" simply states that whatever you give will be returned to you times ten.
Therefore, you should give what you want to receive.
If you want money, give money; if you want love, give love; if you want attention and appreciation, give attention and appreciation; and so on.
As for money, it's simply energy and as such, it must be kept in circulation.
Money as energy is God in action, a means of doing good.
Money that is hoarded is useless, for money is only a medium of exchange.
The wealthiest people that have ever lived, including John Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, and Aristotle Onassis, have understood the importance of keeping money in motion.
In the words of John D.
Rockefeller, Jr.
: "Money itself is lifeless, impotent, sterile.
but man with his brain, brawn and imagination, using money as servant, may feed the hungry, cure the diseased, make the desert places bloom, and bring beauty into life.
" One way to keep your money in motion is through the practice of tithing.
Tithing is an ancient tradition and a universal prosperity law used by ancient civilizations including the Egyptians, Babylonians, Chinese, Greeks and Romans.
It consists of taking one tenth of all the money you receive and donating it to the charity of your choice.
When you tithe you are acknowledging that God-or the Goddess, the Universe, or whatever you want to call the Divine--is your business partner, and you're simply giving him his cut of the proceeds.
It's always a good idea to affirm that the Divine has a personal stake in your prosperity.
In addition to tithing, there is the additional principle of Seed Money.
Tithing, as we've already explained, is giving ten percent of what has already been received.
Seed money is giving 10% of what is expected to be received; it is your thanks to God for that which you shall receive.
Seed money is the understanding that "whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap" (Galatians 6:7).
Just as when you plant a seed you expect a shrub to grow, when you plant Seed Money-by giving it away to the person or organization of your choice-you expect that ten times the amount which you "planted" will be returned to you.
The book "The Classic Seed Money in Action" explains this principle in great detail, and is highly recommended reading.
Also, when you become a generous giver you're affirming your abundance.
You're teaching your brain--instilling the belief--that you have more than enough, that you're beyond scarcity.
There is a quote in the book by Neale Donald Walsch, "Conversations with God", that illustrates this: "Whatever it is that you wish to experience more of in your life, be the source of it in the life of another.
There is a universal law that plays its effect here.
When you give what you want to another you cause yourself to notice that you have it and since reality is a matter of perception, it is your perception that has caused you to imagine that you do not have it.
When you give it to another and cause them to have it, you suddenly come to the realization that I could not give it to them if I did not have it to give.
Suddenly you become aware that you had it all along.
" Just as you breathe in and out, in order to keep energy circulating in your life you need to give and receive.
Know that the "Law of Tenfold Return" is always in operation: give what you want more of in your life and then expect to receive in return.
If you're lacking anything, whether it is money, guidance, love, or anything else, something is blocking the flow.
And the most effective way to remove the block is to start giving.
There is an established spiritual law that the more you give, the more you will receive.
The "Law of Tenfold Return" simply states that whatever you give will be returned to you times ten.
Therefore, you should give what you want to receive.
If you want money, give money; if you want love, give love; if you want attention and appreciation, give attention and appreciation; and so on.
As for money, it's simply energy and as such, it must be kept in circulation.
Money as energy is God in action, a means of doing good.
Money that is hoarded is useless, for money is only a medium of exchange.
The wealthiest people that have ever lived, including John Rockefeller, Andrew Carnegie, and Aristotle Onassis, have understood the importance of keeping money in motion.
In the words of John D.
Rockefeller, Jr.
: "Money itself is lifeless, impotent, sterile.
but man with his brain, brawn and imagination, using money as servant, may feed the hungry, cure the diseased, make the desert places bloom, and bring beauty into life.
" One way to keep your money in motion is through the practice of tithing.
Tithing is an ancient tradition and a universal prosperity law used by ancient civilizations including the Egyptians, Babylonians, Chinese, Greeks and Romans.
It consists of taking one tenth of all the money you receive and donating it to the charity of your choice.
When you tithe you are acknowledging that God-or the Goddess, the Universe, or whatever you want to call the Divine--is your business partner, and you're simply giving him his cut of the proceeds.
It's always a good idea to affirm that the Divine has a personal stake in your prosperity.
In addition to tithing, there is the additional principle of Seed Money.
Tithing, as we've already explained, is giving ten percent of what has already been received.
Seed money is giving 10% of what is expected to be received; it is your thanks to God for that which you shall receive.
Seed money is the understanding that "whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap" (Galatians 6:7).
Just as when you plant a seed you expect a shrub to grow, when you plant Seed Money-by giving it away to the person or organization of your choice-you expect that ten times the amount which you "planted" will be returned to you.
The book "The Classic Seed Money in Action" explains this principle in great detail, and is highly recommended reading.
Also, when you become a generous giver you're affirming your abundance.
You're teaching your brain--instilling the belief--that you have more than enough, that you're beyond scarcity.
There is a quote in the book by Neale Donald Walsch, "Conversations with God", that illustrates this: "Whatever it is that you wish to experience more of in your life, be the source of it in the life of another.
There is a universal law that plays its effect here.
When you give what you want to another you cause yourself to notice that you have it and since reality is a matter of perception, it is your perception that has caused you to imagine that you do not have it.
When you give it to another and cause them to have it, you suddenly come to the realization that I could not give it to them if I did not have it to give.
Suddenly you become aware that you had it all along.
" Just as you breathe in and out, in order to keep energy circulating in your life you need to give and receive.
Know that the "Law of Tenfold Return" is always in operation: give what you want more of in your life and then expect to receive in return.