Simple Six Pack Abs Tips
#1 - Exercise Regularly It's very unlikely that you'll ever get six-pack abs without regular exercise.
By that I mean full body strength training, in addition to cardio.
The more muscle you build, the more fat your body burns off even while your at rest.
Think of it as a positive loop that continually feeds itself with rewards: more muscle burns more fat, which helps build more muscle, and the loop goes on.
#2 - It's Not Just About The Ab Workouts...
! Lots of people just automatically think "more sit ups" or "more crunches" is all they have to do to get a ripped, flat six-pack ab stomach.
Not so.
It's about overall health and fitness, which includes a balance between diet and exercise.
Once the overall state of your fitness begins to improve, your abs will begin to show up, as the fat begins to fall away.
But getting to that point takes a much more complete fitness routine than just an ab workout will give you.
#3 - Diet You can have the perfect workout routine, but if you keep eating a high sugar, high carb, and high fat diet, you will not get the six-pack abs you want.
You may get more "fit" or maybe a bit "stronger" but you won't lose the fat necessary to rip and show those abs - unless you have an exceptional metabolism, in which case you probably wouldn't be reading this.
You would also be much less healthy, so either way, a good diet counts.
#4 - Stay On Track Once you set your goal, change your diet, and establish a good workout routine and schedule, the only thing left is to stick with it.
They say quitting is the only way to fail, and in many aspects of life, I believe it's true.
If you stay with it and be consistent, you will get to your goal.
In a way, its best to just forget the end goal and be more concerned about eating right and getting your workouts done.
Before you know it, you'll start to "forget" how bad you want those results, and that's about the time the results will show up.
(Try it, you'll see what I mean...
) #5 - Take Massive Action Please don't confuse this with "go be extreme" because I am not recommending anything extreme.
If you have the time and inclination, knock yourself out and get extreme if you want.
The point is, you need to do something.
You need to do more than just one or two "somethings".
Get your workouts planned, and then put them on your calendar.
Trash the junk food in your fridge and go to the nearest healthy super market (Whole Foods or whatever your favorite is) and replace the junk with quality, natural foods.
Drink more pure water and natural juices.
Eat more vegetables.
It's all part of the taking massive action to create a change in your life for the better, and it works.
You can do this (...
so go do it already!)
By that I mean full body strength training, in addition to cardio.
The more muscle you build, the more fat your body burns off even while your at rest.
Think of it as a positive loop that continually feeds itself with rewards: more muscle burns more fat, which helps build more muscle, and the loop goes on.
#2 - It's Not Just About The Ab Workouts...
! Lots of people just automatically think "more sit ups" or "more crunches" is all they have to do to get a ripped, flat six-pack ab stomach.
Not so.
It's about overall health and fitness, which includes a balance between diet and exercise.
Once the overall state of your fitness begins to improve, your abs will begin to show up, as the fat begins to fall away.
But getting to that point takes a much more complete fitness routine than just an ab workout will give you.
#3 - Diet You can have the perfect workout routine, but if you keep eating a high sugar, high carb, and high fat diet, you will not get the six-pack abs you want.
You may get more "fit" or maybe a bit "stronger" but you won't lose the fat necessary to rip and show those abs - unless you have an exceptional metabolism, in which case you probably wouldn't be reading this.
You would also be much less healthy, so either way, a good diet counts.
#4 - Stay On Track Once you set your goal, change your diet, and establish a good workout routine and schedule, the only thing left is to stick with it.
They say quitting is the only way to fail, and in many aspects of life, I believe it's true.
If you stay with it and be consistent, you will get to your goal.
In a way, its best to just forget the end goal and be more concerned about eating right and getting your workouts done.
Before you know it, you'll start to "forget" how bad you want those results, and that's about the time the results will show up.
(Try it, you'll see what I mean...
) #5 - Take Massive Action Please don't confuse this with "go be extreme" because I am not recommending anything extreme.
If you have the time and inclination, knock yourself out and get extreme if you want.
The point is, you need to do something.
You need to do more than just one or two "somethings".
Get your workouts planned, and then put them on your calendar.
Trash the junk food in your fridge and go to the nearest healthy super market (Whole Foods or whatever your favorite is) and replace the junk with quality, natural foods.
Drink more pure water and natural juices.
Eat more vegetables.
It's all part of the taking massive action to create a change in your life for the better, and it works.
You can do this (...
so go do it already!)