The Best Way to Apply Ceramic Tile to Walls Using Acrylic Adhesive
- 1). Draw a line horizontally along the bottom of the wall with your level and pencil, positioning it up from the floor by one tile size plus 1/4 inch -- so, if the tile is 5 inches high, the line should be 5-1/4 inches up from the floor. Mark a second, vertical line through the middle of the wall, from top to bottom.
- 2). Spread acrylic tile adhesive along the bottom of the wall, using a notched mortar trowel. Make the line of adhesive from the floor up to the horizontal line and across the whole length of the wall.
- 3). Hang the first row of tiles along the bottom of the wall, under the horizontal line, starting at the middle vertical line. Work your way to the sides, putting spacers between the tiles. Cut the end tiles on a tile cutter, as needed.
- 4). Work your way up the wall course by course, spreading on more acrylic adhesive as needed. Start each course at the middle. Continue until the whole wall is covered with tile.
- 5). Let the acrylic adhesive set for 12 hours. Pull out the tile spacers only after the adhesive has set.
- 6). Spread grout over the wall using a grout float. Work from the top down, pressing the grout into the spaces between the tiles. Wipe up the excess grout with a damp sponge.